What happened to AIVS?

I have tried searching under Paul Frumkin, AIVS, and Audio Intellegent Vinyl Solutions without success. Is the fluid no longer available?
Don't know. The product seems to be doing well, maybe he's set up a website. Send him an email through A'gon: Paul_frumkin.

www.audiointelligent.com I'm not speaking for Paul but he is up to his ears in lawyer work this week. He has set up a method for delivering his product in the usual timely manner. It requires Paypal as far as I know.
Hi guys,

I'm out of town for a couple weeks, and I thought it best to let the A'gon ad lapse until I returned home. But if I get time later, I'll put the ad back up here on A'gon, with the notation that orders won't ship until after June 20. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Best regards to everyone,