Rega Planar 25 problem

My Rega Planar 25 has an obvious problem: the small round black plastic piece that fits over the motor spindle (i.e. the little shiny steel rod. about 1/8" diameter, that turns with the motor)is not fastened to the motor spindle: it can be lifted off with no effort, so it isn't a friction fit, and it shows no sign of glue or cement or the like.

Does anyone know how these two pieces are supposed to be held together? I have a Rega Planar 3 too, and what look like identical parts (except with no shiny steelin sight) are firmly held together. It's a mystery why my 25 ever worked, but however that may be, it sure doesn't now!

Can anyone help? I posted a similar message some months ago and was told to contact the USA Rega distributor, which I tried to do. No answer came back.


Tom Patton
Jeffjarvis, you had this same pronlem before?

If so, did you see a leak of oil anywhere around the subplatter before doing so?

There is Rega's recommended fix for a fast table which involves thoroughly cleaning the hub and spindle-hole with the correct cleaning fluid and then placing 2 DROPS ONLY of 80/90w Gear oil in the spindle-hole and replacing the hub.Check with Rega.I think you should be o.k as is.You can still talc your belt as this saves wear.
I bought a Rega P25 that had been sitting in the box for years. it ran slow.
A friend suggested some fresh oil, just a drop or two of sewing machine oil.
I think it's spinning at the correct speed by the sound.
What's the best way to count the RPMs?
If you don't have a strobe put a sticker or peice of tape on the outer edge of the platter. Using a stopwatch count the reveolutions of the sticker in one minute. the revolutions should be 33 and 1/3 of a turn. For the 1/3, imagine a pie.