Un-WARP your records

Today was very sunny and hot...as I was peeling off my clothes I got to thinking...hey, it's so damn HOT...why not try an experiment!!

Items used for this experiment:

- picture frame
- round 1/4 inch glass table top (the heavier the better)
- suntan lotion
- cold beer

After baking in the sun for three hours the warps were GONE!! The record was completely FLAT!!

Do this with a cheap record first, don't attempt this with your prized ones. I didn't get the chance to spin the record because I wanted to let the vinyl cool down first. I will post my findings and let you know if the experiment was a success.

I attemped a second warped record. This time I timed it for 1/2 hour sessions.

Things to consider:

- severity of the warp
- thickness of the record
- sun intensity

These points will determine how long to leave it out for. Also, after baking DO NOT handle the record. Bring the whole platform inside to cool down before handling it.

btw. the second baking was very successful as well and baking did not alter the sound one tiny bit.

I tried it too, but how do I get the suntan lotion out of the grooves? Looks flatter though, but maybe that's the beer.
Now you got me to thinking!!!
I have an old heated press I bought to flatten dough balls for pizza...it doesn't get too hot as it would kill the yeast, but it MIGHT work on records!!
Results will be posted shortly, as soon as I get me some beer!!



That might work but do remember, vinyl does have a memory so a slow heating/baking process should be performed.