Who can tell me the sizes of a Basis Debut MK-5 ?

I think of purchasing a Basis Debut MK-5 Gold Vacuum. I need to know the total size because I want to get a new silent base from www.silent-base.de.

I hope someone can tell me this soon. Thanks.
Albert. Hi. FYI: I used the Air Tangent that bettered the 10B & I think came out after the 10B--but I always forget the model number. Previously used the 2B along with its quite nice electronic end of record lift. Sure miss that. I've used various Basis turntables for many years, which is unusual as whenever I upgrade my habit is to switch to a different company. But with the Basis turntables, and Basis the company, I have been consistantly estatic.
I have heard,on numerous occassions,both,the Basis tables mentioned,and especially the Walker.Obviously fine products.I liked both,though the Walker has a greater sense of "Cache",due to renown/latest reviews,and the (always carrying weight,to audiophiles,at least some I know)fact that it is more expensive than most.I'm willing to bet that "accuracy" can be had by either product,as well as quite a few others.

I never state anything I own is the "best I've ever heard",and don't think it bodes well for anyone to do so.There are too many variables ,in this hobby,responsible for that.I have heard SOTA lp sound(SOTA in the final result emanating from the speakers,regardless of less well thought of front ends,though not cheap)from quite a few systems,in my day.I've had friends who have owned top "cache" tables(Versa Dynamics,Forsell),only to move to a more,DREADED,seemingly commercial table in the long run,and like the cigarette smoker who easily gives up after a scare,they realised they loved the new table.

I also remember HP in a TAS article mentioning the Walker was unacceptable at Sea Cliff,due to a "darkening" effect placed on all music it played.Do I believe this?Who knows(other than HP)?A well known reviewer loved the Basis,and dumped it in a heartbeat,when the Walker came along.Would he automatically dump the Walker should he be able to obtain a "RARE,and PRICEY" Blue Pearl.I'll bet yes,and he would find a way to rationalise it as better than the Walker.We are SO fickle,and easily impressed by "more than simple performance" in this hobby.I've seen it way too many times.

I doubt that Albert Porter had his analog Basis rigs out of optimum,when comparing the two versions,but would AJ Conti manufacture a lower quality platter,to make the line more "modular"?Anything is possible.The only thing that IS definitive is that no one has all the answers.Except me!!

That was a joke!!
Sirspeedy--Amen brother.

PS. I never liked the Forsell even when heard in the importer's mega-expensive system. The Walker I heard but not for any length of time. Obviously it was quite good, though the owner tweaked it constantly-as in at the end of every LP, whereas I prefer to setup & listen & not fiddle so much. It is possible it was the owner and not the table that had the need to fiddle so much, I don't have enough contact with the table to know.

Re. the reviewer you mentioned. I recall he mentioned that the Debut Vacuum gets oh so close to the sonic performance of the Walker for 1/3 or so of the price. Keep in mind if you go the Walker route, you will need to also budget for a quality stand or other isolation device, & if you go the Debut route, this is not required.

Per those variables you mention; oh so true. My system sounded spectacular with the AirTangent on the Debut, but replacing the AT with the Basis Vector took the sound (in part due to better tracking) to another level. I sure did not expect the tonearm at the AirTangent level to be a variable.