AR "The Turntable" vs MMF-5

Hello all - first post for me so here goes.
I had been having some noise problems with my AR as the Linn Basik Plus with Audio Technica AT125LC moved across the record path either on the lift or the record. It was a humming / staticy noise that varied in across the path. At some points it was quiet and others very noisy. Did not matter if the table was on or not - just plugged in. Did all the ground / connection checks I could to no avail. Have tried it with both my Linn Intek amp and my Audiolab 8000A amp and no difference. Any who - I just picked up a very slightly used MMF-5 package and could not beleive the difference in sound. The MMF-5 sound stage and detail seems to be way better than my old AR combo. Is this the doing of the Goldring 1012GX cartridge as I assumed that my AR package is in a league above the MMF-5 (especially the arm)? The AT125LC is over 20 years old so has it finally given up and it is causing the noises? I basically bought the MMF-5 for the cartridge and to have the table/arm as back up. Should the AR setup with the Goldring 1012GX sound better than the MMF-5? For now I am enjoying the MMF-5 setup. Any thoughts before I switch out the cartridge???
Many thanks in advance!!
The funny thing is that is has not always made this noise just lately and it is not really just a hum like from the motor, it is scatchy like a poor connection or something - very puzzling.
Thanks for the advice.
When I had my AR Table I sent it out and the table was completely upgraded with new platter,new subchassic,and outer ring clamp,a new shielded motor, all from Merrill Audio,But I'm not sure if he still performs this service.You may want to do a goggle search for The AR Turntable and see what you come up with.I beleive someone on the net is specializing restoring these tables.
Happy Hunting
I still use my AR ES-1 for my second system. First system is Basis 2001. I have found, in comparing turntables, that I need to have a sprung table. To me, sprung tables are far more lifelike; they seem to have more depth to the sound. I've heard others swear by non-sprung tables, claiming that non-sprung tables sound more precise. To each his own, I guess. Anyway, I have found that I'd rather have a cheaper sprung table than a more expensive non-sprung table! You might want to consider whether this is an over-riding issue for you, as it has proven for some folks (one way or the other).