Zyx R1000 Airy3 vs Universe

Has anyone heard a head-to-head comparison? What are the differences?
You guys are going to give the mild-mannered gentleman, Cello an ego crisis
To Sirspeedy ...

If you get to the RMAF, forget any thoughts of a vicious loop on any of your topspin shots. At 5,000 feet, the ball flies out of control :-((

OTOH, the high country is gorgeous at the end of September / early October - different from a Northeast foliage season, but dramatic in its own way.

People heading to the show should absolutely book an extra couple of days to get up to either Rocky Mountain National Park or the recreation areas near the Continental divide - both about 90 minutes from the hotel.

Thom @ Galibier
I must say that you guys are the typical Audio Centered folks that are fervent in this hobby.I am one myself,and I do love it,BUT----DO YOU ACTUALLY BELIEVE THAT I CAN SUCCESSFULLY TALK MY WIFE INTO ANYTHING AUDIO RELATED,when her current vacation was washed out,and we already(due to family obligations)rescheduled a Florida trip.Ha.Ha.Ha.I really DO appreciate the touching,and friendly gestures,but I have to assume you are ALL bachelors!!!

PS---Larry,after I clean up everything,after my first day back,I'll give you a ring(at about 900hz)!

Best to all!

You need to learn to push the boundaries of your relationship with your wife. She privately is only truly concerned with your happiness and not her own. But, because you have subjugated your own needs for what you believe to be her needs, you are now in abject audio poverty.
See the light and believe. You can go to Denver and your wife will be happy for you (if only in the recesses of her heart). Ignore her outer verbal protestations. She truly wants you to be happy. Go to Denver grasshopper.....

BTW---Frank,you may want to hold up Cello's delivery,to AFTER Thanksgiving.As I have had some spare time (vacation,at home)to begin to do some additional voicing to my pal's system(including his 2.2,and he too is interested in the REF,as well as a Phantom),I have made some very interesting observations/improvements in how accurately I can get the "little" (by comparison to the Phantom)2.2 to reproduce some of my most demanding discs.I,actually,am quite surprised as to how good it can be.The big "BUT" is that I am now more convinced than ever that the average owner/set-up person has probably NOT gotten it's "Absolute" performance.Including me.

Sorry if that seems like an ego inflated statement,but you will have to detirmine as to whether I'm making the claim,to make sure of my being able to make the comparison,when I finally get to Fla.,or am I doing what I love most.Baiting(in a friendly way,of course)!!I do love the potential that the REF may make,but I'm told that I can't dismiss the new Graham,though it doesn't really float my boat,but what do I know?Hopefully alot more on NOV 26!
Larry--I do hope you have gotten the fluid level down to 1/2 a pin head accuracy(if the system is of REAL high resolution,this will make a difference). Or any comparison is not valid.It DOES make a big diff,if your system is up to it!Set downforce to mfgr recommendation,then set vta,finally(leave for last)set the fluid,after you have set downforce to optimum level.Play difficult program material,like upper freq. bells/massed upper freq material.When the EXTREME highs are literally almost sweet sounding,it's right.Can't tell you how long this has taken me.

Best regards!