Zyx R1000 Airy3 vs Universe

Has anyone heard a head-to-head comparison? What are the differences?
Actually,Larry---In response to your first paragraph:If it were my money spent on an arm like the 2.2,I certainly would want to get the max from it(it does help that I have a few pals who own one,and confirm small improvements,over time.Nothing is absolute).

In response to paragraph #2--I am not really as obnoxious as I may seem,in my posts(I hope),as I have a policy of NEVER touching anyone else's equipment.Unless I want to try someone's tennis racket.As to your set-up,I have to give you the benefit of the doubt!!BTW--I do believe your impressions of the REF.

Warmest regards,and I hope I don't get myself un-invited,by then!!Also,I'm shopping around for some SOTA tape,for my mouth!!Yet,you must know it will never hold.
Sorry to go off orig topic,BUT,---Larry---as per your request,I took a look at the new 360.Certain products,to me,allow for extensive salivation(Like at dentist's office).This is definitely one of them.I think you would be best served to have perspective listeners "rinse" before auditioning,in the future.

Best regards!
Hey guys
Sorry to break in here, but I have been following all the forums about the new cartridges. I have read much of the dialogue about the zyx and the other top perfomers discussed and I got in touch with mehran and talked to hiim about the universe. He had one with about 150 hours on it. Mehran offered me a reduced price on it because it was slightly used. It is a silver with the sb option. I have a colibri and a Karat. I have been without my colibri for almost a year and I guess the new stereo bug bit me and I commited to buy it from him. I am sure that this cartridge belonged to someone on these forums. Does anyone know who this cartridge belonged to? It was exchanged for a copper universe. By the way, I love reading these forums about the zyx and xv1s and others. It's better than reality tv.


Larry,after careful pondering of my recent bloviatiating,and a recent conversation with you,who subtley told me to look into The 360/Ref combo,I must sadly state that I am speechless!!Not to mention embarassed,by the quantity of seemingly dumb comments,I've been spewing.While I'm at it,I might add that the overall list price(for arm/table)compared to competition,looks downright "cheap".I will go against my general policy,and state that this combination of table/arm looks to be a giant killer.Actually,with a 66 lb platter it IS a GIANT,and LOOKS killer(as in stunning work of art)too.

As a favor to all Audiogoners,I am humbled into a prolonged state of silence.I will go back to my audio-room and sulk,now!!Hopefully my recent acquisition of Shostakovitch Sym #5 on a white label promo Mercury,for 24.99(my pal offered me 150 for it),at the Princeton Rec Exch. will snap me out of this "nickel plated over solid brass",followed up with battery conditioning funk.Yet,and yet,I doubt it.Your new front end seems to be THAT GOOD!!

Best Regar......No,NO--I hate you.I was happy until Thursday afternoon.