Demagnatizing a ZYX Cartridge

If there is someone out there that owns a ZYX, can you please tell me if I should periodically demagnatize the cartridge.
Dear Doug: I mean: Not you or I.

Who can tell me for sure that there will be no harm/degradation in the cartridge in the long run?

With out a definitive manufacturer answer, my advice is to stay far away.

As a fact any one of us does not want that our value cartridges: 3K to 9K, can suffer any damage " only for demagnatizing " it.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Hey Doug

Hi. I used the Aethetix to demag on my ZYX. But I stress, that the Aethetix is a good device and a single pass demag-ing the ZYX did positive results sonically. Doing multiple passes was unnecessary. And I would hesitate doing multiple passes on any cartridge.

I fail to see any reasoning at all used with your caution regarding the Cardas frequency sweep. Geez, it's only a record. Cut in the normal way too. Give me a break. Sometimes I just want to pull my hair out with your negativity. My position? If my cartridge implodes from playing this disk then so be it. I'm better off without it!
I do appreciate Raul's sense of caution. We are talking about some pretty expensive cartridges here.

Still, like Lugnut I have a hard time imagining any harm from playing a normally-cut record. We're not talking Telarc cannons here.

The damage Tubes108 experienced came from multiple uses of an active demagnetizer. As I said originally, I would hesitate to use such a device before checking with the cartridge manufacturer. His unfortunate experience, which I thank him for sharing, confirms that some caution is necessary.
I used the cardas sweep on my Zyx universe and it made a very noticeable improvement. I did 30 minutes on each of the 3 tracks.