My Rhea's new partner arrives today

Just bought it here on the A'gon. This is a bit of an experiment to see if it might be a better match with my Rhea phono stage thus replacing my current pre, a BAT 50SE. Don't get me wrong. I'm very happy with the BAT. I don't expect a big difference between these pre-amps, but I'm hoping the Calypso and Rhea together will add more depth to the music. If the Calypso stays it will allow for tube rolling where the BAT does not. So I'm hoping some other Aesthetix owners can offer tube suggestions.
I'm interested in your reaction to the Calypso. Please keep us posted as it settles in. Thanks
Well, this is a tough one. The Calypso is more detailed than the BAT. The image is very focused, to the point that the voices and instruments almost line up behind each other. It is very quiet with the Rhea.

The BAT seems to throw a much wider stage and I get the impression that some sounds, like small bells and the like, are coming from off stage. There seems to be more passages that are coming from each speaker, like the engineer was using some gimickry to bounce sounds right to left. I don't hear these from the Calypso as everything seems to be between the speakers.
thanks for the initial feedback. I'm confused by your comment "its very quiet with the Rhea". My understanding was that the Rhea is a phonostage and Calypso a linestage and each can be used separately. Does the Rhea HAVE to be plugged into the Calypso to drive your amp, or did you just connect it to use the Calypso passively as a switching device?
Have you rolled the tubes in the Rhea? I replaced V1-4 with Telefunken smooth plate 12AX7s and the 5922s with Siemens 6DJ8s. So much smoother and analog sounding. I had one of the Teles go on me a couple of weeks ago, so until I found a suitable replacement, I threw the stock Sovtek 12AX7WBs in V4. Awful in comparison. I was going to take my time and see if I could turn up a nice pr. of Tele NOS, but having grown accustomed to the Teles, I nailed a used pr. quickly and got the Sovteks the hell out of there. What are you running in the Calypso? I gotta believe if you roll the tubes you will be much more pleased with it.