ZYX Universe - Unipivot or Dual Gimbal arm

For those with Universe experience, does it sound better with a Unipivot or Dual Gimbal (SME) arm. Thanks.
Hi Roger, Doug ...

The fascinating revelation for me was the discovery of multiple null points (false nulls) which brought me no comfort in the least. I believe I described this in a recent thread (this one?).

Failing instrumentation, we're left with starting out with a headshell that's parallel to the record surface (in the azimuth plane), and beginning our adjustments from this point.

The is a leap of faith that the cantilever/stylus assembly is within reasonable manufacturing tolerances so that the null you hit (by ear) is the real one. The thing we have going for us is that minimal crosstalk will also yield the lowest distortion, because the stylus will be sitting squarely in the groove.

If you're troubled that perhaps you are one null away from the truth, then you can always go counter clockwise by one null and also clockwise by one.

Rather than reiterate Brian Kearn's brilliant post you pointed the group to, I suggest that everyone take a moment read it. Even if the math confuses you, I suggest you read it and file it away for future reference. Come back to it from time to time. You'll be amazed at how things like this begin to make sense over time.

One key point to focus on is midway into this post, where Brian hits the nail squarely on the head:

"I disagree with this method of calculating crosstalk. It does not take into account the effect of channel imbalance on the crosstalk measurement. In effect this method assumes that a cartridge has perfect channel balance."

Thom @ Galibier
Hi Thom,

Before I start measuring crosstalk, I play a test tone thru both channels and use the balance control to make the measurement the same in both channels. Once I have equal output in both channels, then I measure the crosstalk using the left channel and right channel test tones. I assume that is the coreect way to do it. Yes???
Wally's method does not assume perfect channel balance, in the cartridge or any other component. He specifically designed to avoid that assumption.

He starts by measuring output on each channel. Any imbalance is allowed for in the calculations that follow.
Hi Doug,

I just finished speaking with Wally regarding azimuth and his instructions for adjusting azimuth contained in his Analog Shop Deluxe instructions. Instruction #5 says to play the two channel test tone and use the balance control to set the output of the left and right channels to within 5% of each other. Per Wally, 5% is 1/2dB and is close enough. It would not hurt to make them equal, but Wally does not think that the effort required to make them equal is necessary. Instruction #11 says to keep adjusting azimuth until the crosstalk numbers are equal. Per Wally this is a simplification done to keep the instructions from getting too long. He gave me an example. Assume that you can get azimuth adjusted so that crosstalk reads -26dB and -26dB. You can stop here. However, if you can get crosstalk to read -27 and -29 that is better. However, -24dB and -30dB would be worse than -26dB and -26dB. The key thing for Wally is to reduce the crosstalk without an obvious tilt to the cartridge body when viewed head-on. Wally thinks more than 2% tilt is unacceptable.

Wally agrees his instructions are simplified, but rather than write long, compicated instructions he wants people to call him with questions.

So, to summarize: 1) use the balance control to equalize the output between channels to 5% or less. 2) equalize the crosstalk between channels. 3) experiment to see if by making the crosstalk readings unequal that both crosstalk readings can be dropped to less than the equal point readings.

I hope this clarifies things.


Hi Thom,

I mentioned to Wally Frank Schroder's comment about there being several "null" points for both VTA and azimuth. Wally was of the opinion that if you were setting azimuth with a voltmeter that you would find only one "null" point.

Since Frank sets azimuth by ear, it is quite possible that he hears different "null" points that would not measure as a "null" point on a voltmeter. Food for thought.

