VPI periphery record ring for VPI Scoutmaster

How much of an improvement does the VPI steel periphery record ring make? Do you think it's worth the $500 US retail price? Or would it be advisable to first look for the SDS, then afterwards purchase the ring? I'll be using it on a Scoutmaster turntable.
Unfortunately, the question you need to be asking is whether it is worth $600, which is the current retail. What something is worth depends on the end user's perception. It is machined to an exacting circumference, which it must in order to sit precisely over the acrylic platter. I'm sure this is an expensive, labor intensive process. I'm extremely pleased with mine and once making the commitment, I chose to just sit back and enjoy. I wouldn't want to return it, so I guess that means, in my estimation, its worth it.
My Super Scoutmaster came with both the SDS and the Periphery ring. Is is worth it??? I think so....big difference in sonics from my VPI Scout. Let's put it this way if you use the outside ring for let say 3 years and would like to try something new--You can always unload it for at least 65% of what you paid for. That would be a lost of $210.00 base on a $600.00 retail. $210.00 divided into 36 months is around $5.83 a month. Heck, I spend a lot more than that for coffee. So, I would suggest to go ahead and get one and enjoy the music.
It's a pain in the butt to take off and put on, but I'd buy it again for my Aries, particularly because I have several records that have seen better days. VPI will tell you that one of the bennies is a bit of consistency in frequency/smoothness in decay from eliminating speed changes due to records not being perfectly flat. I'd look for it used or on discount though, 500 list was high and 600 is silly. IMHO.
In a simliar vein, how much of an improvement does the flywheel and upgraded motor make in the Scoutmaster? Thats an expensive upgrade. How about the new armwand? I already have the SDS and outer ring. Thanks
I noticed a very big improvement with the ring and weight. In fact, more than the SDS. Someday, I'll take the SDS out to see if I still think that. (It was added to a Scout, while the ring and weight were added to the Scoutmaster) It's a great upgrade IMHO.