Just bought a nitty gritty, hear no difference.

Hi folks,

So I bit the bullet and bought a Nitty Gritty Record Doctor III, which is distributed only through Audio Advisor. It's a cheaper version of the 1.0- same functionality, with a slightly more utilitarian design, and $100 cheaper. I've cleaned about 10 records with it, and I hear absolutely no difference between records cleaned with the vacuum machine and those cleaned by my $10 record brush. What's the deal? I'm following the instructions to a T... I'd love to hear your ideas.

I use and like the AIVS fluids too, but I've never had to bother with the Zerostat (I do have one) because the AIVS treatment has always eliminated any static charge on the records. Forever? Who knows, but for a year at least. And I have SEVERE static problems in my house.
Hi folks,

Thanks again for all the help. My turntable is not a beauty, but it certainly is high mass, and the tonearm and cartridge are both good. I'll look into purchasing some of the Audio Intelligent stuff and vacuuming each record multiple times. You'll be hearing from me soon!
you don't have to vacuum your records multiple times, just wet them down really really good, scrub, and give them about 5 or 6 revolutions on the RD, your record will be as clean as it's gonna get.
Readster: I am sorry, but this is false in my experience. I tested a bunch of records on my Record Doctor when I had it, and it did get much better between the first vaccuum and the third. I originally did this based on a review I read from (I think) Positive Feedback or some other on-line magazine. They were right: It takes three times to get it sounding best.
well if vacuuming 3 times makes your record sound better to you, then i say more power to you, it would just be a waste of time for me, based on my experience. i'm sure i do things that other people would think are unnecessary as well.