Any Pink Triangle experts who can help me?

Can anyone identify which model Pink Triangle table is pictured in this post:

it seems there are at least 2 folks (I'm one of them) who think they bought a used Pink Triangle Export, but it's looking like we both have the original, or one of the earlier models.

I have sent a question to Arthur at Funk (previously PT) but he's pretty busy and I'm not sure I'll get a reply.

I owned an original Pink and this looks like the same thing. Where's the platter?

What do you need to know? Do you have the little custom wrench for making the suspension adjustment through the holes in the side of the plinth?

thanks to both of you for your responses. The pictures belong to another guy who is "the other one" who thought he bought an Export. He's been trying to figure out how to assemble his table, which is why he posted the pics in Vinyl Engine. He does have the platter, just not installed in the pics. I'll try to post some pictures of mine - fully assembled tomorrow.

I have all the tools needed to assemble and adjust it. The suspension adjustment tool is simply a 1/4" socket.

I would like to know how to lube the spindle/platter bearing, and what lube to use.

My primary concern is I purchased mine believing it's an Export, which is newer than the original and presumeably superior. I'm concerned I overpaid based on a misrepresentation by the dealer.

Can anyone describe what an Export does look like?
It doesnt look like that - plus the PSU is internal not external. You have overpaid. The original PT was very unreliable - is it in full working order and is the sapphire bearing uncracked?
thanks, mine is working, and as far as I can tell the saphire is uncracked. The motor is audibe however, and while it's not so noisy I can hear it from more than 2 ft from the table, any audible noise is unacceptable for a TT as far as I'm concerned. I've noticed others have had a similar problem but I haven't found out who if anyone has a solution. I'm also waiting to hear from Arthur Koubhesserian in response to the motor issue.