RE:Magnepan Unitrac arm

Hello, I am new to the threads but I know there is lots of knowledge here so I hope someone can help? I while back I bought a Unitrac arm and have since mounted it on my Micro Seiki DDX1000 tt. I have been collecting vintage MC cartridges for our new audio club, so I am mounting 3 arms so that we can switch cartridges .I thought the VTA on the fly adjustment of the Unitrac made it a great canidate for this reason. I dont have the proper alignment protractor so heres where I need help? Is there anyway I can use another protractor? I have a formula 4 one? Can anybody send me a scan of theirs as I would pay for your time? Our their any other set up tricks with this arm I need to know? Will it even work for MC cartridges or am I waisting my time trying? I dont have the cartridge set up rig but I should be able to eyeball the overhang? Of course on my tt the arm had to be mounted at an unusual angle and not the normal 57 degrees if you know what I mean. Any help at all on set up would be great as I haven' t mounted a cartridge yet as I have to track down some lead pellets first. Please advise if you can? Thanks and regards Daren
I would contact Magnepan. They should be able to supply you with the correct info. I used to install this arm. We used it with MC cartrigdes among them the Dynavectors, Audioquest, Grados, and Koetsus. It was very good but not in the same league as The Sumiko "ARM". And I thought the Sumiko FT-3 and MMT sounded better with most cartridges in our store. I remember when they were first shipped from Magnepan we were very excited, and displayed the arm for several months selling a few. It was easy to set up with Magnepans template and if I remember right we used an Oracle table.
THanks for the response, I have a arm here I believe is an early Sumiko but it appears cheap in comparison? It was sold to me as an MMT but I havent been able to confirm it? It has a angle section at the end of the arm with a couple of holes drilled out? It's like a tube at the end that was pressed flat? If thats the MMT I have it? Thats good to know that I can mount a MC on it I appreciated the tip! As that was my main concern! Thanks again, As the Magnepan is a bit of a black hole? and there isn't a lot of help out there or info on the UNITRAC? I tried Magnepan they dont even have an email address on their Web site? Cheers Daren
The MMT was an "S" shaped tone arm with a removable headshell. I don't remember any flat portion except the headshell.The FT-3 was a straight tube with non removable headshell. As for Magnepan do a Google search for their website. I'm sure they have one. I'm sure they still have info on their arm available and parts.