Large Classical Record Dealers

Hi all! I am beginning to get into vinyl and am looking for places to purchase classical vinyl material and had a few questions:

I'm a bit leary about Ebay, but they have a good selection on things I'm looking for. Any recommendations on how to decide between vendors? How can I trust their vinyl grading? Is it worth even trying to go this route? Any prefered vendors that you guys use?

Another option would be going through a dealer. I know of one, namely Sikora ( and was wondering if there are any other large classical vinyl vendors that you guys might recommend? Is this a good route to go, compared to Ebay? I like the fact I would be establishing a relationship with a vendor, but I'm not sure how cost effective this might be...

Finally, I'm not very knowledgeable on all the various gradings and terminology... For example, all I can really offer is the artist and composer that I'm looking for, for example Gyorgy Cziffra's Hugarian Rhapsodies by Listz... I'm not really sure how to get from this information to a recommended label, pressing, etc. Any ideas? This was my motivation for going with a large record vendor, but maybe I could sort this out for myself?

Thanks everyone!
Gerald Canter lists two non-digital Philips recordings tonight on his web site. Look up Music Categories on LP/Keyboard, then scroll down to Brendel:

Philips 6500 140 Brendel Mozart- Piano Con 12, 17

Philips 6500 283 Brendel Mozart- Piano Con 19, 23

And then there is a third Philips LP of the Concerto No. 15 that is designated as digital (dig). I think all of the Philips 6500 series is analog. Not sure when the catalog switches to digital, but most dealers like Canter will specify.
I would not say that across the board. I have a few digital LPs in my collection that I think sound very good indeed. There are simply too many variables to make an absolute statement. Overall, though, when given a choice I tend to stay all-analog.
Try Yahoo auctions, I have had luck LP hunting there usually winning at the starting bid. I also like house sales. I recently picked thru a large(2-3000), pristine collection of classical which I noe wish I had made an offer to by in total. Also check out Happy listening!

Which Classical LPs to buy? - Found myself in the same situation and was given a very helpful steer by the delightful Sophia Singer, the proprietor of Spiral Classics ( Sophia pointed me in the direction of the 1970s Penguin Stereo Record Guides which turn up on eBay from time to time or take a look at

The guides are very UK biased, as one might expect, but have proved to be a very handy first reference point for what to look out for.

Hope that helps! And if anyone can suggest a similar volume for US releases I would love to hear about it.
