SOTA Star, Grado Refrence arm and XTZ MKV Cart

Hi all,
I have these items ready to set up with a PS Audio 5.5 with sig power supply or a LITEAudio 1S37 tube phono.
I dont feel comfortable with set up so a friend from AGON is gonna help me get it going, should I expect to be pleasently surprised with this setup? This was all a gift and I am thrilled at the chance of great results, what do you experienced guys think?
The arm is also rewired from Monster and unit comes with Vac pump aswell......I have my fingers crossed tightly!
Dear Chadnliz: The Sota Vac pump always be a great TT and the Grado Reference tonearm a very good item too ( if I can remember this tonearm was build by Audiocraft. ).

Now, I think that Clio09 could help you with " tips " about the Sota TT and Tpsonic about the Grado tonearm.
Btw, Tpsonic: why are you asking to run the TT with out the vacuum when thw vacuum makes a difference in the quality sound reproduction, for the better ?

Congratulations Chad !!!!!!!!

Regards and enjoy the music.