Teres, Galibier and Redpoint

After a lot of research deciding whether I should upgrade the motor on my Avid Volvare or my cartridge I have now decided that upgrading my transport is the way to go. I don't have to worry about motor compatability problems and I can always upgrade my cartridge at a later date. Being that I nearly always prefer pursueing the small company, and that the unsuspended route seems right, the three shops above have really caught my interest.

The Teres 320 or 340, Galibier Gavia and Redpoint Model A all cost about the same. But the same problem arises, I don't have an opportunity to hear and compare them and unless it's on my system, it doesn't really matter. I in no way mean to insult Chris, Thom or Peter, but what seperates these three tables in term of sonics? I say this only because they are contributors to this forum. Anyone have any opinions?

My arm is a Tri-Planar VII. Phonostage a Thor. Art Audio SET amps. Systrum rack. Thanks for your input. Richard
Dan_ed: Like your son, my "young" son of 25.5, will be the proud owner of a Galibier one day, and lots of software to play on it. He's taken this hobby of ours as his own, and has already received hand-me-downs -- Aragon electronics, and a Thorens tt. In fact, his first post Computer Science degree job, is with Klipsch Audio. So, while there is a concern that this hobby may be on the decline, in my household, it will continue....Mike
Hi Dan,

My name is John Pessetto. I meet you at Chris' place during the shootout. I listened to both systems on Saturday and I thought the sound at Thom's place was significantly better. Of course, it is impossible to say how much the tables contributed to the sound at each place.
You thought the direct-drive turntable was hands down the best of all the tables you heard. I don't see how you can make that conclusion. First, I don't understand how you can reasonably say that the direct-drive table was the best table at Chris' place because each setup had a different arm and cartridge. The direct-drive table was using a Schroeder arm and a Universe cartridge, pretty hard to beat. The tape-drive table at Chris' place had a different tonearm and cartridge that was not in the same league as the Schroeder-Universe combination. I know it is alot of work to put the same arm and cartridge on each table. However, I don't see how you can make any meaningful comparisons unless you do. As a result, I don't see how you can say the direct-drive table was better than the tape-drive table at Chris' place, let alone make a reasonable comparison of Thom's table to those at Chris's place. I appreciate the difficulty of making very careful comparisons. I enjoyed your comments until the last paragraph where you state which table is best. I consider both Thom and Chris friends. Both of them are in the business of making turntables. Because they are both in the business, I think these type of comparison can be helpful or harmful to their business. I think it's ok to say which sound you liked best but to say which table was the best under these conditions is just speculation. Thanks for all the work you did and for sharing with us. I know it took a great deal of time and effort to review both systems and share you impressions of what you heard. Thanks

All the Best,

Hi John,

I tried to give my "report" based on my impressions after a very long day topped with another 5 hours in the evening. I tried to listen passed both unfamiliar systems (BTW, that was my most extensive session with horns) and just tune into the tables. Really hard to do with a 2 hour break in between unfamiliar systems. I do remember trying to pick out the reported warmth and smoothing of the Teres line and it was apparent on the birch table. The increase in dynamics with the 320 was a bit step up and more to what I rememberd from the Galibier. BTW, I still believe that one day I'll find out that the Galibier definitely has the better resolution.

Perhaps if I had started at Chris's and then gone to Thom's, or if I had gone back and forth a time or two I could have come to a more divining statement between the Galibier and Teres sound. I actually may have subconciously, since I have voted with my checkbook for the Galibier.

We'll have to agree to disagree about my stating my impression of Chris's new DD table. I know Thom encourages every one to go a listen to the Teres line as he believes that it plays to the strength of his tables. So I can't see how you would think it is somehow harmful to give an honest impression. You don't agree with me and that's ok. Would you be willing to state what you thought of the new DD Teres? I'd be willing to listen to what you have to say and wish you had spoken up sooner. I did point out that there was a diference in arms and cartridges, but I do believe there was an unmistakeable difference in tempo that the DD had. I don't think the arm and cartridge alone could make up for a perceived difference in speed. Dynamics, most definitely. But, hey, I've been wrong before. If you have read past that one post you will see that I later also questioned what I had heard. Was the applied torque exagerated, overstated, unrealistic? Maybe. I got the impression Chris is not completely satisfied and will be making more changes and improvements as he sees fit. So, perhaps once he's done we can talk some other poor sucker into listening to both the Stelvio and DD and then sticking his neck out and telling us what he/she honestly thought.


Hi Dan,

I'm sorry I didn't reply sooner, I should have. Again, I appreciate the time you took to review the two types of tables . I think I was too harsh with my comments. I didn't pick up on the differences in pace and tempo between the DD and the tape drive but that doesn't mean they weren't there. It sounds like you were careful and gave your honest opinion. You can't ask for more than that. Please accept my apology. All we can do is listen and give our opinions. If I get another chance, I'll take a closer listen.


H John,

I do realize that sometimes what we post and how we post can impact someone's business. When ever I post an opinion on a component I do try to think things through so that I don't post something that would be seen as a condemnation. It is very hard to give an opinion or express an impression on the internet and get the point across. Face to face, or at least phone to phone, will always be the best form of communication. Anyway, what I though you were suggesting I had done was what I try pretty hard to avoid. Thanks for posting back and letting me know that I did not slam either Thom or Chris. Appology accepted, but not really necessary.

I hope you do get a chance to listen again to both tables as I would have loved to stay another day to do just that. I was hoping that someone else who had attended both events that Sat. would offer their opinion. It was tough to come to a solid conclusion with so many variables involved, and I could really use some confirmation or dismissal of what I thought I heard with the Teres DD. Perhaps we'll get a chance to do this again in some fashion at RMAF.

Just for the record, I have had not thought about these tables or their differences since I sent Thom a deposit to buy the Galibier. I am just that comfortable with my decision.