Scoutmaster with Lyra cartridge?

Anyone using the Lyra Dorian or Argo with the VPI Scoutmaster? Thanks for any info.
I am using Lyra Dorian. It gives a delicate and refined sound that I like very much. However, it is not the most dynamic sound.
I spent and afternoon (~4+ hours) listening to the Dorian on a Scoutmaster in Brooks Berdan's front showroom. It was surprisingly smooth and refined, in that setup. No apparent errors in the wide range of music we listened to. The only bugaboo I had was that the system semed a little too smooth and refined, not enough "spring" as llkwood88 pointed out. Not offensive of smothered, just a little too laid back and a ad light tonally for my tastes.

But, at it's price, a dandy of a cart and wonderfully musical. Really something terrifc.

Of course, this could have been the fault of the rest of the system - Hovland HP-100 pre w/ built in phono, Rogue Stealth 99 w/ built in phono, Rogue Zeus amp, Vandersteen 5's and Wilson Sofia speakers.