Help set up phono stage resistance with dip switch

I have a MM & MC phono stage...
Now in the manufacture book I have the following explanation of the Dip switches...

Dip #1- not for MC

Dip #2- MC 2.5k ohm load

Dip #3- MC 1.3k ohm load

Dip #4- MC 510 ohm load

Dip #5- MC 250 ohm load

Dip #6- MC On or Off

It states for MC cartridge you can set switches 2 thru 5 for several combination's of impeadance match. (you may switch 2 or 3 switches on together at once)

But that is all it really tells me, so I have guessed they want you to turn #6 on to get it into MC, Fine... Now I need to figure out which combos make, 300 ohm which is recommended for my cart, maybe a 400 ohm or something close to get a little more detail possibly which is also recommended for like rock music, or even a 200 ohm to tone the cartridge down a little if necessary. I have not heard the cartridge yet and have no idea the results I will get so I am just needing to have some kinda Ammo going in to tune this thing, Yes I could just set to the 250 ohm or whatever and come close but would really like some more options to taylor the sound a bit if necessary. I understand the higher impeadance will make a bit more aggressive, and lower impeadance will make more laid back.

Thanks to the members taking the time to read this and maybe help out.
If you run a search on Dougdeacon's threads, I think you will find a formula for computing the total resistance of two resistors in parallel, If they are in series, then you would just add the two values. Check with the manufacturer, if the manual does not tell you if the switches are paralleled or not.
You'll get a lot more and better help, if you'll please provide the make and model of your phonostage. I'm sure you just forgot to include it with your question. No doubt someone out there has better documentation than what came with your unit.
The formula for calculating resistance in parallel is 1/R1+1/R2+1/Rx...=1/Rt where R1, R2, Rx are individual resistors and Rt is the total resistance.

For your phono stage the values are:
Switches----> Resistance
2 ----------> 2.5k ohms
3 ----------> 1.3k ohms
2, 3 -------> 855 ohms
4 ----------> 510 ohms
2, 4 -------> 423 ohms
3, 4 -------> 366 ohms
2, 3, 4 ----> 319 ohms
5 ----------> 250 ohms
2, 5 -------> 227 ohms
3, 5 -------> 210 ohms
2, 3, 5 ----> 193 ohms
4, 5 -------> 168 ohms
2, 4, 5 ----> 157 ohms
3, 4, 5 ----> 149 ohms
2, 3, 4, 5 -> 140 ohms

Relax, have a Sprecher Imperial Stout and listen to some Tangerine Dream.......
If you turn on switches #2,#3, and #4 together,
that will give you a load resistance of 319 ohms.
If you want to calculate different load resistances,
the formula for resistors in parallel is: 1/Rt = 1/R1+
1/R2......1/Rn , where 1/Rt is the net total resistance
of the resistors in parallel. I hope this helps you out.