Jan Allaerts Cartridge Experience?

I've heard some good things about the Jan Allerts MC1B and MC1B Mk II cartridges . These seem pretty rare and there seems to be limited fedback on them.

Do any of you have direct experience? If so how do they compare to other top cartridges, e.g., Zyx, Lyra, Dynavector, Koetsu, Clearaudio?

Thanks for the feedback.
Dear Andrew: Yes, it has a similar signature than the MC2.

Btw, the MC2 Finish is not the top of the line in the Allaerts catalog, the one on top is the Formula One!!!!!, the MC2 is very near it.

Can you imagine the performance on the Formula One? WOW!!!!!

Regards and enjoy the music.
Well,Raul--I have to say that with this series of posts,from you,it seems that you are "aging" like a fine expensive wine!!Keep up the good work.

Wish I had a good listen to one of these babies!
Aoliviero -- {just noticed your question} I had an old MC1 connected to a CAT. Incidentally, on a Simon Yorke, too. The volume was on the low side, as Raul predicted. WIth that cartridge, it wasn't catastrophic -- but I had to move equipment around to avoid picking up noise. I really can't remember the loading I used (it was the "standard" recommended).
Dear Sirspeedy: You already know that the door is always open to you.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Dear Andrew: Why don't send an e-mail to Jan and Franck asking for their opinion about Schroeder/Allaerts matching.

Regards and enjoy the music.