Linear Tracking or Not?, Any Experiences and Recs

I am considering the advantange of a linear tracking tonearm compared to a bearing or unipivot arm. From my uderstanding there is no arm that can compare. Is this true. Does this make the top of the current arms not worth considering. Are there any cartridge that will reject or demand the use of a linear tracking arm. From what I understand some carridges won't work on a linear tracking arm, as well as several turntables.
ALL the stuff being made now is pivoted arm.
Linear tracking was an experiment in frustration.
Between the pumps to float the arms/the servo to make the cheaper ones work the were a pain in the butt.
A few are still in use by diehards, but from your system, I'd say stick with what you have now!
Years ago, I had a nightmarish stint with a Maplenoll table that had an air bearing arm. But, this was a very cheap table with a very, very cheap air pump. The pump was the source of the problem.

I know of three brands of arm/tables offering tangential tracking arms. The Kuzma arm, which I saw at CES, is quite a well-engineered arm (as far as looks). The pump, high quality braided tubing, air plenum/filters/dehydrator looked absolutely first rate. Walker makes a table with an air bearing arm, too.

Clearaudio makes an arm that works without air -- it uses a very low friction quartz rail and sets of wheels that ride on the rail. It looks delicate and fiddley, but I've used it and it seems to work without hitch as long as the table is set up correctly.

I've heard, off and on, that Air Tangent will be making its arm again, which would make four different manufacturers. I bet, if you came up with the cash, Rockport would build a Sirius table with its arm bearing arm.

Tangential arms may have some obvious advantages, due to correct arm geometry, but they have their own theoretical tradeoffs. For example, the effective mass in the vertical plane varies greatly from the mass in the horizontal plane. The short arm tube also means that VTA tends to change radically when the arm moves up and down on warps and even for differences in the thickness of records. There are also issues with sloppiness in the bearing, and how effective the bearing is at draining vibrations transmitted down the arm.

I don't think there is any one design that is theoretically superior in all respects. Besides, differences between theory and practice complicate choices even further.
I've been using an Airtech MG-1 linear tracking tonearm with my Teres 255, supporting a ZYX Airy 3xsb cartridge. I've been very happy with it - it replaced an OL Silver, and is clearly superior to that arm. The MG-1 including air pump set me back only about $450 (I think it costs more like $750 now) Still, I'm guessing that given your system, this arm may not compete with the arms you have such as the Ikeda.

I should also mention that while I seem to get great sonics from the arm, when I try the hi-fi News Record Reveiw test LP, I get pretty poor results on some of the test tracks. The OL Silver fared better on the test tracks, but doesn't sound as good.

Finally, I should mention that it's far easier to damage a cartridge with a linear tracker arm. You need to have the arm housing (tube where the air holes are) absolutley horizontal to ensure optimum tracking, and need to double check this frequently as it does shift.
Yes they require attention,yet when all is set properly there is NO comparison to any type of pivot design.More relaxed and open,with better harmonic structure.Basically,lower distortion!I'm referring to the better(unfortunately,pricey)designs,like Air Tangent,Kuzma,Walker,Rockport.

BTW-I have a pivot,unfortunately.

Best rtegards.