Linear Tracking or Not?, Any Experiences and Recs

I am considering the advantange of a linear tracking tonearm compared to a bearing or unipivot arm. From my uderstanding there is no arm that can compare. Is this true. Does this make the top of the current arms not worth considering. Are there any cartridge that will reject or demand the use of a linear tracking arm. From what I understand some carridges won't work on a linear tracking arm, as well as several turntables.
Hi Dgad,

Well after having setup my TW Acustic I went for a comparison of different Cartridges and TA

Well I finally set up this combination.

1: Graham Phantom with ZYX-Universe / Kondo KSL FZ and Klyne 7xx
2: Kuzma Airline with Transfiguration Orpheus / Klyne 7xx
3: Davinci Grandezza with Takeda Miyabi and Tron Seven
4: Triplanar VII with Koetsu Rosewood Platinum / ZYX Artisan  Put looking for another Phono Pre.



I know you love the Davinci w. the Universe. How do you like the Universe on the other tonearms? I find the Universe somethig special and different.
Dgad, Whart, your discourse was very informative. There isn't much discussion on straight line arms, as there aren't many around. Without going out and buying an integrated system such as Walker, Rockport,or Kuzma it seems as though mating a tangent tracker to a table might be a bit of a gamble.

From what I've been able to gather, tangent trackers need a low compliance-high mass cartridge, a high mass table on a rock solid foundation, and if possible, a vacuum platter to keep the arm from constantly hunting if playing anything less than a pefect pressing. I welcome your thoughts Kftool
Hi Dgad,

well my new setting for the Universe ZYX is
in my System.
Graham Phantom Zyx Universe and Kondo KSL as step up
hooked to the Klyne 7p..


The ZYX Universe is really ok.
Dgad, Whart, in my haste to reply, I errored in referring to hunting; I realize it might happen to a line tracker, if fitted with a high compliance- low mass cartridge.

I meant to refer to the modest changes in vta caused by the shorter effective arm length of a line tracker negotiating a mildly warped record. This problem would be eliminated if a vacuum table is incorporated in the system, or if warped records just aren't played.

When setting up my Triplainer, I noticed the change in bass as I varried vta on the fly. The Triplainer is on a vacuum table so I realize that a warped record would contribute , to some degree, the same sonic changes on a non vacuum table. your thoughts. Kftool