It is frustrating.....

I'm an audiophile because I'm a music lover. Like most of the people on this site, I try cables, equipment, spikes, etc with one goal : to get the best out of 'canned' music, make it as close to life performance as possible. Knowing that 'perfect' reproduction is impossible, I go to live concerts as much as I can - on the average 10 classical music concerts, 2 ~ 3 operas, some jazz concerts per year.

Than it starts to become frustrating. Third time this year, I have left a concert at the break in Lincoln centre (NYC).

The acoustics : great, individual instruments : very palatable (!), no coloration, yadi yada yada...

Performance : miserable. No soul, no urge, no involvement from the orchestra... No pride in their work ?

Give me my 'miserable' listening room, 'coloring' cables, 'imperfect' equipment ... even a 'mono' CD - but a good, involving performance !

I'm not even talking about 'technical / mechanical' performance of the musicians - for me, technical brilliance is important, but secondary. It is the feel, interpretation, the 'soul' which is more important.

And the audience - horrible (see the thread 'cough vigilante). It is actually worse ... May be someday they will sell popcorn in the concert halls...

I have decided that I can save that $50/$60 per person / per concert, plus the trimmings, to buy 'canned' performances.

No wonder that the industry is complaining about less and less concert goers - they've just lost two.

Sorry for the rumblings.... I had to let some steam out...
For those who live near Boston, I highly recommend the Boston Philharmonic and music director Ben Zander. Not only does the orchestra care, the audience does also, so it is a unique experience. Be sure to go early to Ben's pre-concert lecture, not to be missed.
I remember reading Riner was almost mean as a snake. Well apparently, that's what it took to get the desired performance.My favorite conductors are mostly the old guys, from the 40s/50s/60s/. Sort of how free agency has changed all of sports. Too much $$$;not enough personal caring for the "whole" Hard to get good team players these days.
Ikarus, I feel as you do, however I doggedly keep on going to concerts, because I want to always refresh the imprint of the real thing in my mind and soul in order to keep the memory fresh for the goal I try to tweak for.
Amen Jsbail, there is plenty of wonderful and inpassioned music making taking place; particularly in NYC. One has to be willing to venture beyond the more familiar venues, but even in those, great music making takes place on a regular basis. Don't you guys (and ladies) ever go to American Composers Orchestra concerts at Carnegie Hall. Very interesting and challenging stuff and beautifuly played by the best musicians in NYC, particularly when conducted by Dennis Russell Davies, a brilliant and inspired maestro. Most performances at the Met particularly under Levine are fabulous in my opinion. There is really interesting change happening at the NYC Ballet, I encourage those who in the past found that orchestra lackluster to give them another chance. The Brooklyn Phil under Spano is giving some at times electrifying performances. And let's not forget our neighbor the NJ Symphony under Macal, really good stuff. Check out some of the smaller ensembles such as EOS (across the street from Lincoln Center at the Society for Ethical Culture); truly innovative programming and vibrant playing. Merkin Hall regularly offers fascinating programming by some of the most interesting chamber ensembles around, like Speculum Musicae, Met Orchestra ensembles, and others. As far as jazz and other improvisatory music there is always great stuff going on in NYC. The Knitting Factory, Small's, the Village Vanguard always has great artists featured. As far as the NY Phil goes, I assure you the vast majority of the players care very deeply about what they do. Yes it is true that at times the performances leave much to be desired but classical music (any worthwhile music for that matter) is under attack by the electronic dreck that passes for music these days. The music and it's practitioners need the support of the public not the condescension that seems at times to be in vogue. Why that is I'm not sure but I suspect that in part it is due to the possibility that the pursuit of audio perfection in the home has caused some to feel somewhat uninvolved during the live music experience. Some of the "attributes" of far too many "audiophile" systems are in fact distortions in my experience. There will never be substitutes for some of the great artists of the past; just as there will never be a substitute for the sound of live music.