Einstein "The Turntable's Choice " phonostage

Have been looking for some time to upgrade my current AHT NON-SIGNATURE phonostage which has served me well.
An opportunity has come up to demo Einstein Audio's new phonostage. It is made in Germany. It's hard to find much info on this model. Sells for About 5K single ended and 7k balanced.
Does anyone have listening experience or heard any feedback on it? There is limited info on Einstein-Audio's webpage.
My front end is Amazon 2 table, Schroeder 2 arm, and Allaerts MCIB cartridge.
Read Fremer's review in latest Stereophile. He said it maybe the most neutral and best sounding stage he's ever heard or a least in the top five. The letter from Einstein in the back was also very informative about the design criteria and rigid quality standards they adhere to.
Suggest you read the review if your serious about purchasing one. I would have definitely bought the balanced version if my Schroeder arm lended itself to be easily changed over to balanced wiring. If your arm can be easily modified and you can afford it, go for the balanced version.
A requirement, you must keep the power supply about 2 feet away from the preamp for the best performance according to the mfg. I didn't notice any hum when it was close, but the sound did improve and the already low noise floor got even lower by moving it away. The balanced has 2 ps's and they should be on opposite sides of the preamp, I am told for best performance. This performance improvement was confirmed to me by the owner of the balanced version.
I am in process of running the hours up to 600 with a Thor phono break in unit to get the sound improvement that's supposed to occur. If your interested in results, let me know and I will make another post in a few weeks when it's done.


Dirk sold the FM 222? Sorry, I know that that is not so.
He never owned it, it was loaned to him for trial - a rare occurence with FM, the yare notorious in NOt loaning equipment.
FM needed it back because they are backordered for many months.
Finally I got mine. No words...

Cy_endo, the FM is more expensive than the Einstein (also better imo/ I'm referring to the se versions --not balanced).
Yes, the Einstein phono stage does seem to be difficult to obtain. I have had the balanced version on order for awhile and no idea yet as to when I will receive it.
I do believe it will be worth the wait however.