Einstein "The Turntable's Choice " phonostage

Have been looking for some time to upgrade my current AHT NON-SIGNATURE phonostage which has served me well.
An opportunity has come up to demo Einstein Audio's new phonostage. It is made in Germany. It's hard to find much info on this model. Sells for About 5K single ended and 7k balanced.
Does anyone have listening experience or heard any feedback on it? There is limited info on Einstein-Audio's webpage.
My front end is Amazon 2 table, Schroeder 2 arm, and Allaerts MCIB cartridge.
Cy_endo, the FM is more expensive than the Einstein (also better imo/ I'm referring to the se versions --not balanced).
Yes, the Einstein phono stage does seem to be difficult to obtain. I have had the balanced version on order for awhile and no idea yet as to when I will receive it.
I do believe it will be worth the wait however.
Dear Cy_endo: Very good clearing because is not fair, for any audio device, that " light " comments like the one from Hassel could turn aside the real quality of a producto like the FM Acoustics 222.

I already heard both phono stages ( the 222 several times. Btw, this unit was one of our references in the Essential 3150 phonolinepreamp self design .) and certainly the 222 is a better unit than the Einstein: the bass has better pitch/tight, better tonal balance and more " transparent ". The Einstein ( I heard the balanced version ) is a very good unit but the FM 222 is a " little " better: but this quality has a price to pay, the FM is a high price unit.

Regards and enjoy the music.