Ideal TT & Arm for the following top cartridges...

Koetsu RS Platinum
Van Den Hul Colibri XGW
Miyabi/47 Labs
Allaerts MC2 Finish

So the search is on. I agree with a colleague's comment that although it is convenient for AB'ing cartridges, my VPI extended Aries (ver. 1, no flywheel, no SDS) with a 12.6 bearing assembly and JMW 12.5 and two 12.6 armwands does not fully show the potential of these cartridges. Certainly I can upgrade to the Aries 3 and add the flywheel and SDS or step up to the TNT line, but considering the performance level of these cartirdges, I do not want to overlook something else.

The Allaerts is enroute so I cannot comment on it yet. But I really like the RSP and Miyabi (the RSP being more refined overall) vs. the VDH for now. It could be a loading issue (now at 250 Ohms) but the VDH, although fast, transparent, detailed and dimensional, it is also lean and uninvolving (I hear the VDH platinum option can address this).

So I would appreciate your recommendations on a TT and Arm combo in the $5k-10k range as used/demo demo pieces that are capable of showcasing the performance potential of these fine cartridges. Feel free to make a single recommendation (arm or TT only) or synergistic combination.

The rest of the system includes the Ear 88pb phono stage, a modded Electron Images MCP-1 and trying a friend's Whest PS 2.0 for kicks (a Wavestream Kinetics phonostage is coming), Bent TX103 step up as needed, First Sound Paramount Mk II pre, Dehavilland Aries 845G monoblocks (NOS tubed), highly modded Coincident Milleniums.

TIA & best regards!
Ebarker2 - I have no direct experience with the MC2 Finish. I just missed the chance to try it with the Wavestream Kinetics and I am kicking myself for not prioritizing it.

However, I thought it would be worthwhile to mention that an MC2 Finish owner, who has tried many arms, does not recommend the Schroeder or any wood tonearms with this cartridge. It just happens that the Allaerts distributor also represents Schroeder. However, this does not necessarily mean that this is the best arm to use. If you have extensively listened with other arms and settled on the Schroeder, then please detail your findings.

As to DC kickback, please pardon the following rookie-like questions. Exactly how does one know or measure if they have this or not? Besides melting the coils on the cartridge, how does it manifest itself through the system? In other words what early symptoms, subtle or otherwise, should one be looking for?
Brizonbiovizier - We used two phonostages when we evaluated the Brink cartridge (and arm). First was the ASR Basis Exclusive and the other is the EAR 88pb. With the ASR we preferred a loading of 350 Ohms and with the EAR we liked 500 Ohms.

The the amps were Rowland 302 and speakers were the mid line Avalons with ceramic drivers.
The Finish is certainly worth prioritizing. An exceptional cartridge by any standards. I disagree with your friend. I don't think its so much a question of 'wooden' tonearms or who distributes what. To my ear there is a natural synergy between the Shroeder and Allaerts (though it is true that they both require considerable patience and work to get the best out of the combination). I have heard the Finish in my own arms (6 or 7) and in a few more elsewehere, and would always choose the Schroeder as natural mate. It also likes a good air bearing and the Sme V or 312 (if they are rewired). As a combination the Schroeder / Allaerts can sound flat if not carefully set up. The Finish can sound v. odd and even thin, white/ wintery with wrong SUT or phono.

You can measure DC kickback when switching on a phonostage but it's a complicated matter, and its not clear exactly how many millivolts will initiate damage (40mv?). The symptoms are a loss of some volume or signal in one channel (usually the right) which means a rebuild. The main thing is to be safe than sorry, and i would contact Jan Allaerts directly to ask about specific phonostages. The Tron Seven is completely safe with it, and sounds excellent. The TEAD Groove SRX needs to warm up 2 hours before connection and will sound leaner but incredibly fast. The Kondo SFZ step up/M77 is amazing but needs a resistor to bring it up to 845 ohms. It can be dangerous to feed the Finish an incorrect load as it can snap the very thin/delicate gold coil windings. After all this though it can reward with really wonderful sound.
Ebarker2 - Thanks for the detailed and insightful response. I'll just let my friend chime in about the Schroeder/Allaerts when he has time. I'll email him offline to prompt him to do so.

As to DC kickback, is it generally safer to turn on the phonostage first before connecting the ICs (or tonearm wire to the RCA junction box)? As a general precaution I often mute the preamp when turning on/off the tt motor or when cueing/lifting the cartridge. From your explanation I assume the risk to connecting the ICs (or tonearm wire for the VPI JMW arms) to a phonostage that has been on for a considerable amount of time, is far less than having the IC connected when first turning on the phonostage. Is this summary correct?