VPI Scout upgrade path?

I have a VPI scout and want to begin upgrading. I have a limited budget and can afford to do this in steps of about $1000.00. What is the best path? Start with the Scoutmaster upgrade first, new tone arm first or SDS first? Or is it wiser to do the new arm and 300 RPM motor then the SDS and skip the Scoutmaster upgrade?
Can't say what you should do, but I can tell you what I did. I had the Scout (and already had the SDS). My first upgrade was to the Scoutmaster, which includes the new 300 rpm motor. The improvement was noticeable and well worth the upgrade cost (hint: there are some vendors that will give you a discount even on the upgrade).

After about 8 months, I upgraded to the Signature tonearm. Again, the difference was very noticeable and well worth the $.

So, my advice is DO NOT skip the Scoutmaster upgrade. I think that should be the first thing you consider. Then upgrade the tonearm. Then add an SDS (because I think with the upgrade to the 300 rpm motor w/ the Scoutmaster, you can put off the SDS for a bit longer).

That's my 2 cents worth. Others may have other thoughts, but that's how I did it.

Happy listening!!
All I have done is the 300RPM motor, and I am pretty happy with the sound. I don't think I will upgrade any further.
Rickcomer, you might find this earlier thread on the same topic useful reading. Good luck. The VPI Scout is well worth upgrading: each step you take will reward you.
