Goldring GR-1.2, NAD 533 -- any difference?

Hi. Newbie question. I am interested in getting into vinyl and am looking for an entry level turntable that's easy to set up. Two budget turntables that I have heard good things about are the NAD 533 and the Goldring GR-1.2. They are both, I understand Rega P2 clones. However, the NAD lists for $100 more than the Goldring. Is there a difference that justifies the higher price of the NAD?
(The records I have are mostly rock and classical. Some Jazz too. My amp is the Rotel 1062 integrated, which has a phono stage).
I've not laid eyes on the Goldring, but so far as I know, it's the same table, same platter, same arm, even fitted with the same cartridge. The price difference is a marketing decision, nothing more. NAD is a more established brand in the U.S., and its reputation allows it to charge a little more.
Thanks! That certainly makes the decision easier. The plinth, platter and cartridge seemed the same from what I had read. I just wasn't sure about the arm.
the arm on the nad533 is a bit better than the one on the Goldring. check this out:

nad533 uses the oem1 arm and the goldring uses the gr 1

review of the goldring table:

review of the nad533: