Airtangent vs Kuzma airline

Just bought the JC Verdier platine and want to get a tangent tracking arm.
I have received info and I am leaning towards the Kuzma or the swedish Airtangent .
The EM-2, Airtech MG-1 and the Condustor by the cartdridge man are also in the running but their build quality aren't in the same league from what I can tell in the pictures. How good are they I really don't know.
Opinions, or any comments wound be greatly appreciated.

Dear Sirspeedy: Like Albert posted: there are several variables to the why's on your diferent AT tonearm opinions.
Not only about the differences on the audio systems or the differences on the room's, but more important the differences between the Albert sound perception on his ears/brain against you or your friend own perceptions.

Regards and enjoy the music.

At my home it will be on a custom built tig welded aluminum stand filled with silica and whatever top plate (granite, maple, composite) that works best.

At the other location it will sit directly beside the other Walker TT, on top of the Rix Rax top of the line with spiked wooden top platform.
Well, my finite elemente HEAVY DUTY stand arrived today, finally! So, the table gets set up tomorrow on the dedicated stand by someone expert in these tables. I am looking forward to that. More soon, with new pics, showing the rearranged system.
Well I pulled the trigger today and bought the Kuzma Airbearing today and will take delivery of the unit in 1 week from today.
Now how about cartridge choices?
Koetsu, Airy, Shelter, Dynavector,Allerts what others should I consider?
If the budget allows, the UNIverse would be a terrific upgrade over the Airy 2 or 3.