tonearm cable recomendations for Brinkmann?

Thinking about buying brinkmann lagrange set up and wonder if any brinkmann owners can give any feedback,especially on EMT cartridge and tonearm cable
I tend to view tonarm cable as a seperate component in its own right, and its crucial to how much detail and music the analog system gives out. For copper, the Frank Schroeder fine loom is great. I also understand he is offering cyro'd Valhalla which should be interesting, but i havent heard. Kondo silver is fabulous. IMO these will all do great things on any arm.
With the correct phono stage loading the emt wil really shine - I have heard versus the top vdh and dyna in my setup and massivley preferred the emt - especially at half the price. Without the correct loading it wil sound analytical and thin. For best results stick the emt in an air tangent.
I own a Brinkmann Balance. I recently did phono cable auditions.

Clearly each system is different but these are MY OPINIONS:

1. Transparent Reference MM. (Best Sonics, but very expensive)
2. Shunyata Antares (Great sonics this is an under rated cable)
3. Jena Labs Phono 4 (Good Sonics, Best Value)
4. Nordost Valhalla (OK sonics, but lacks "body")
5. Hovaland Music Grove 2 (Average performance)
6. Sterovox (Poor Sonics and Value)
They may sound different - but only due to the differing capacitance which is important for connection of the MC to the phono stage.