What will beat ear 834p by a margin

I may be barking up the wrong tree. I was considering going for the GSP AUDIO ERA GOLD, or PASS XONO, OR ACOUSTECH PH-1P, OR AESTHTIX RHEA, or WHEST P20, or K and K kit, or SUTHERLAND PH.D. But I am wondering if this is a worthwhile expense? I am getting the impression that what I have is perty darn good! I can't look at the boulder or aesthetix for obvious reasons ($), so what is there that will beat the ear 834p by a big enough margin to justify the added expense? I am guessing that these may be better but which one stands out? My top choices were: GSP but EAR834P topped it, RHEA but heard its noisy, EAR 324 but heard it lacks bass headroom, PASS XONO but not quietest, WHEST but lacks micro-detail, SUTHERLAND PH.D not dynamic, EVANS GROOVE, AUDIO RESEARCH PH5, BAT VKP10, HAGERMAN TRUMPET, ART AUDIO, CARY 302, etc. Other than manley steelhead what would be considered 2nd best after boulder 2008 and aesthetix io signature. I am guessing maybe EVANS, CARY, BAT VKP10SE, AESTHETIX non signature, PASS XONO, K and K, AUDIO RESEARCH PH5 or REFERENCE, HAGERMAN TRUMPET, ASR BASIS, AYRE, CONRAD JOHNSON 15, LINN LINTO, CLEARAUDIO, HERRON VTPH1, ARTEMIS, ROWLAND CADENCE or do I stick with EAR834P. . And can the IO be upgraded from non to signature, and the BAT VK P10 to an se. And is the K and K really that good, is it much better than an EAR834P?
Of the ones listed, the few I know do better. I don't know the BAT, Cary, Herron, Rowland, Artemis. The Linto is borderline.
-You can also modd yr EAR if you feel like it (Thorsten Loesch has excellent suggestions)
-The EAR is reasonably priced.
I am interested in another phono stage like yourself. At this point, a retube of the 834 is due for mine. When the day comes that I have disposable income for another phono stage..........I plan on keeping the 834. Haven't heard all the phono stages you mention.....keep us updated on what you decide on.

I have the Gram Slee Amp 2 with upgraded power supply. I understand that the Era Gold would be an upgrade, but it is difficult to imagine anything getting that much better. With the Gram Slee products you will be retreiving more data off the disc that you would imagine.
The nod goes to the Era Gold.


How many of those listed have you personally compared to the 834P in your own system?

Please realize that everyone's comments on these extremely fine mid-priced to high-priced phono pre's are heavily weighted towards personal preference and overall system synergy/goals.

A perfect example of how opinions can very is that in my own system, I preferred the Gram Slee Era Gold over the 834P by a very, very, large margin. The 834P was great, but in it's stock form, I found it veiled, bloated, and slow compared to the GSP.

Yes, I know the 834P needs new tubes and all the upgrades to sound it's best, but when I factored in that the 834P cost 30% more stock and nearly 50% upgraded, there really was no contest for me. At that point, I'd go for a used Art Audio Vinyl One over both of them in a heartbeat.

But, realize that my system is pretty esoteric(see it listed here) compared to most systems - meaning , low wattage SET amps(6-12wpc), high-efficiency/crossover-less single drivers(97dB), high mass acrylic turntable, etc. The Fostex drivers in my speakers are ruthlessly revealing along with my DRD 300B amps and Art Audio PX-25 amp. In this situation, they(along w/ my TVC preamp) tend to reveal or overemphasize the shortcomings of the EAR much more than the GSP.

** I have a inkling that the 834P might yield greater benefits in a solid state system than a SET tube one**

Take the same two phono pre's and place them in a moderate to high power, multi-way speaker w/ higher order crossover, solid state system and the verdict may be the exact opposite. Or, even place them in a higher efficiency(101+db), compression horn, system running push-pull amps and it may be different.

Anyway, what I am trying to say is that all the phono pre's you listed range from fantastic to superb(along w/ prices from $$ to $$$$) - in the right sytems. There isn't a bad one in the lot. But, there is no way to know until you try them in your own system.

BTW, the way to beat your balanced output requirementis to use unbalanced to balanced line transformers at one end of your interconnects. I use Jensen JT-11P4-1-1 line tranni's(~$140) to run the balanced outputs from my S&B TX-12 mkIII transformer volume controls across the room to my single-ended SET amps next to my speakers.
wow. talk about audiophilia nervosa. Take a step back and ask why you want to upgrade. I'm guessing for a noticable across the board upgrade, right? I'd tell you my pick, but then you might snatch up what I am looking at (I assume you are buying used, unauditioned). You also need to define to us and yourself what "by a wide margin is." Depending on your definitions this might be easy or impossible. I'd also only strongly consider gear you can see, feel, and audition. Then maybe pretend the other gears don't exist.

Sorry I can't answer your question. I hope my guidance was somewhat useful.