Shortlist of best cartridges with VPI

I'm trading up to a VPI Super Scoutmaster Signature and need a shortlist of best cartridges to consider with it. I have an Ayre K-1xe preamp, Levinson 20.5 mono blocks, Wilson Sophia 1s with current version Transparent reference cables on an SRA craz rack. My tastes in music are wide: pop, rock, folk, jazz & classical. Collection includes a number of early pressing 50s and early 60s Mercury Living Presence and RCA Living Stereo, as well as some Jazz and Rock albums from same period.
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i've used a shelter 501, a dynvector 20 xl, and a benz glider on my scout and now scoutmaster signature, but nothing has brought me more enjoyment that the sumiko celebration. incredibly easy to set up and very non fussy, it is by far the most musical cart i've ever heard. it has allowed me to stop listening to my system and start enjoying my music once again. i don't think i've ever read anyone say anything bad about it.
I'm happy with a ZYX Airy 3S-SB on my 12.6 arm mounted on a TNT6-HR table. For those who listen to rock, the Airy 3 might be the best fit of the ZYX line. You would definitely want the SB weight. As for silver vs. copper, read the archives and talk to Mehran at Sorasound.
Another great choice is the Cardas Heart, which is a modified Benz LP. This is what Bobby from Merlin uses in his table that has been regularly praised at CES. Cheers,
I'm using S/Scoutmaster w/val wiring with Ayre k1ze, v1xe and Vandersteen 5A's. My cartridge of choice is Benz Ebony. Enjoy
i have a vpi hrx that i bought with the dynevector xv-1s. sounded great. 2 months ago i broke the cantilever. boy was i mad at myself. while the dynevector is being rebuilt, two month or so, i bought a shelter 9000. at first it had a slight rumbling sound to it. after a short time of break in the rumble was gone and it sounds great. i listen to mostly classic rock but have expanded my listening to just about everything and it all sounds great. looking forward to comparring it to the dynevector when i get it back. vpi company suggests the dynevector cartridges just go to their web site. i bought mine before the reviews. both are a great choice. best of luck in your search. p.kogan