Restoration Suite vs. Restoration Bundle

Anyone tried both of these and have an opinion about which is better for vinyl to digital transfers? Restoration Suite is from T.C. Electronic and Restoration Bundle is from Waves.

The Restoration Bundle certainly has the advantage in compatibility with other software/hardware.

In a related question, does anyone know if you can get blank LP's? Apparently to optimize use of the noise filter you need to create a noise profile with no signal.
Some test records have unmodulated grooves. The Cardas record is one.

Of course every LP has blank grooves in the runout area. Using those to set up your noise profile would be ideal. Different LP's have different vinyl formulations and therefore different noise levels. The only question is, how much running time is required to set up the noise profile?

That may be software-dependent, and I have no experience with such software.
Either will work and work well. If you are starting from scratch I would recommend the t.c. electronics because I like its integration of hardware and software better, but if you already have an existing computer editor/workstation, especially one set up for ProTools, then the Waves obviously makes better sense. There are also powerful noise reduction tools from Cedar and Algorthmix. Which is better really depends upon what you are trying to do.

Using noise reduction fingerprint only works if you match the fingerprint to the actual noise. By that I mean, if you have an unmodulated disc and record its fingerprint, it really won't do much if you apply it to another disc. Please expalin what you're trying to do, I may have missed something.
Onhwy61, you haven't missed anything except that I don't intend to get any specialised hardware unless it lets me use noticably better software - and I don't own either currently. I was thinking of using Lynx hardware to do the audio capture and using the noise reduction software as a post-process. I like Lynx because they have a high quality A/D converter that can be placed outboard from the computer and connected to it via AES/BEU (or whatever its called). Once the signal is in the digital domain it is safe to bring into the computer.

I was thinking of using Adobe Audition to edit my audio files and then using Adobe Premier or Encore to create DVR mode DVD's. (I'm a bit iffy on the last step.)