Scratchy sound on certain notes right side only?

What could cause a "scratchy" sound on certain notes at certain volume, be it voice, piano, but especially with saxophone, right side only? I have switched cables, no luck. Checked all connections. I know its not the speakers because if I switch l/r cables from the phone preamp out the noise comes from the left speaker. Equipment is jr michell orbe with sme iv.iv arm & clearaudio virtuoso cartridge. Tracking force etc seems to be right on. Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks for the thorough answer Doug. I don't know why I didn't think of switching the input to the phono but when I did there was no change. Noise still on the right. Phono pre is the problem.
Could also be a grounding issue either within the phono pre,possible bad IC connection, or the TT connection ground.
You've got a lot of tubes in the chain. Any chance you have an intermittently noisy tube? Might try reversing the small tubes in your pre-amp and your amp - see what happens. If it reverses channels you've found your problem.
Thanks for all the replies. I know its not any of my tube equipment because there is no problem with any other source, just the table. Switching the input from the table to the phono pre did not result in the noise moving to the left side, it stayed on the right. Has to be the phono stage.
Thanks again,
Yohjo, pop the cover on the 99 and swap the tubes, R to L, but only do the input tubes. If it doesn't move to the other channel then go back and swap the gain tubes.

Also, what gain configuration are you using with the 99?