Lenco 75 versus Garrard 301?

OK...simple questions for a simple guy (getting nervous about a decision I will make)!

Lenco 75 versus Garrard 301......which none is better???

Also Lenco 70 lbs plinth versus lighter plinth ....which one and why???

Thank you all for you time and advice...

P.S. I am also checking the old threads and there is quite a bit of people who seem to love these tables!
Rick,I knew,before getting to the question,that this was your post.You must be getting close to a decision.....Simple!Take either one,fully maxxed out,and with a solid,massive plinth.Put a Schroeder Ref on it,and you can say goodbye to posting,for a long time!You'll be listening to music,instead.But you knew this already.
Thanks Mark! I am doing my homework now trying to decide on either one of these TT or on one of the new newer belt drives. I know this subject has been kicked around for quite some time. Anyway, the Schroder Ref is a long way off. Things, I hear, arn not great as far as the wiat time. So it looks like a Tri-Planer arm for me (not a bad idea..hey?).
Rwl, jean on the lenco thread found them similar when set up perfectly, i found my lenco superior to my garrard 401 in every way. considering the new lenco thread and what people like albert porter reported (that in a less than fully modified form its close to his $50,000 Walker, and superior in some ways) i'd go for the lenco, because its cheaper, easier to service and sort out, and for the shere amaxement factor that this cheap old deck is superior to almost anything out there.