Want to get into Analog but i do not have a preamp

I would like to add a turntable to my system but I only have a cd based system now.
I run my wadia direct into Wolcott tube mono's
I was thinking of trying a Vpi Aries or something in that line but do not currently have a preamp.
What would be a good but NOT very expensive preamp that I would only use for vinyl??
Thanks in advance!
Do you still have the placette? If not that's too bad. In my opinion you can't skimp on a preamp. I am a CAT lover. There is one available at http://cls.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/cls.pl?preatube&1159761267

This one also has the built in phono pre. At the level of system you have I think this is a good choice. The built in phono section is very good. I do not know the person selling this. I do own this preamp. I have owned various Krell (including the KCT which in mt opinion is not very good), McIntosh and Canary preamps. The CAT is my favorite. The Canary 903 was also very good. You can pick up a Canary for a good price.

GOOD LUCK and enjoy the music.
I have an Aragon 47K. This phono amp has a separate power supply and can be set up for MC or MM. I went to a very expensive tube pre-amp. I have the original box and manual. I ran this straight into my amp using stepped attenuators. If you are interested you can have the amp and attenuators for $315.00 and if you don't like the amp you send it back and I will refund your money.
I would choose the table/arm/cartridge first. Then match that with a phono pre that's compatible. You certainly don't want to end up with a pre that isn't adjustable if your cartridge requires it! First decide what you want to run then add the pre amp accordingly. I've seen this mistake made numerous times...
I used to own Prodigy's and an ARC VT200/LS25II......... Very nice. My CD player (Theta Miles) will run direct, like yours. Without doubt, no question, absolutely, for sure, you are better off running through a nice preamp.

OK, off my soapbox.......... I would really try to expand your budget a little and get the best pre you can. A couple that I have heard and would recommend are the Hovland HP100 w/phono stage and the Aesthetix Janus. Run everything through it and IMHO this would take your system to another level.
