Silicone for Tri-Planer damping trough

Is it a specific type of silicone? And have you found it necessary to be used at all? What are the benefits? Is it's use a matter of choice like the anti-skate? Thanks
Doug, after all your posts on the subject, I bought a Triplanar from Mehran and mounted it with my ZYX Universe on my Sota Cosmos. I am floored that a tone arm can make that much of an improvement!! (moved from a Well Tempered arm) Easy to set up, but still tweaking a bit.

Particularly astounding is the improvement in bass and micro detail... for the time being, I'm not anxious to fill the damping trough, again based upon the posts here--so far the only times I hear 'shrill or honk' is from the recording as my reference records are absolutely phenomenal through the Triplanar/ZYX.
I tried the VII with very, very little damping fluid, then a bit more, then I adjusted the screw in a few positions and finally I ended using the arm without ANY fluid.
It degraded the speed and the air in the High Frequency area. It made my arm slow. Not really slow, but the way I hear the difference. Has nothing to do with the Cartridges, I tried a few and the Result was always identical.

Glad you're enjoying the new setup! I've never heard a WT, but from its design I'd expect to hear just what you described on switching to a TriPlanar. Silicone damping seems to work okay in the bearing well of some unipivots but other applications are dubious, as attested by all the negative results posted on this thread. To design an entire arm around it does seem like looking for trouble.

We used to get more "honking" than we do now (which is almost never). Turns out it had nothing to do with the cartridge or arm. It was our phono and/or line stage. I don't know the rest of your system, but that might be something to look at when upgrade-itis strikes again.

If you haven't done so already, check out this thread for some additional tips on getting the most from your new arm:

Cheers and enjoy the music!
Doug, thanks for the reply. Downstream is a Sutherland PhD and then a Plinius 9200 hooked to Dunlavy Cantatas. I am changing out a cable between the PhD and the 9200 to a Cardas Golden Reference. Later looking at upgrading the 9200 to a Plinius M8/SA201. There is no end to this addiction... I printed your tips before I set the arm up, very helpful.