Why so few turntable reviews?

I'm looking for a new table. The nearest dealer is hundreds of miles away and MAYBE has 2 tables on display to listen to, so I have to depend on reviews. But just try and find them. For example, the new Thorens tables. How about the new Marantz table? Saw 1 review of that and the review wasn't that informative.

What tables are YOU curious about and think need a review? Cartridges, too!
I've posted a couple of VPI turntable reviews on Audio Asylum. I tried to be subjective and concise.
Perhaps - as you said Elizabeth - t/t's are an anachronism and the market for them is tiny.
Count me in amongst the old farts who have never given up on vinyl! My view is that the vinyl revival will out last you and I.
Perhaps because the differences in the cartridge, tonearm and phono stage dwarf differences between turntables?
It is a curious observation an a true one at that. You hardly ever see one on a cover of an audio mag. Unless it is a statement piece(Like high cost Caliburn). Otherwise you might find some review in an analog corner or something. Besides there are not too many newer models being made.I guess demand being low. I am also beginning to think that Elizabeth may be right.