Alcohol + Vinyl = Disaster...

I aways try to stay away from 'home' so to speak, when I have consumed some alcohol.

The reason: I know I will try to play some LP's and I know I will smash the cartridge into the record. Period. (I do not trust myself when I get 'phylosophical'.)

Luckely it has not happened to me yet. I have heard some dreadful stories of vinyl lovers busting a +/-$2000 pick-up when 'intoxicated'. Shame!

I guess there is some very 'interesting' stories regarding this subject... please do share.

Kind regards,
Dewald Visser
I have no problems with playing ether of my systems after a few drinks, and quite honestly enjoy having a cocktail when listening to them! Then again I don't have a turntable at the moment so it's less risky spinning little silver disks...

I DO NOT ever rewire or change out components in my system after even a beer though! Luckily for me it's only cost me an amp fuse and a pair of tweeters to date but that was enough to realize the error of my ways, and stop it!
I've always had this aching thought that if I ever had to quit drinking, I'd have to sell off my stereo too. The two seem to go hand in hand ever since I was a kid. However I gave up vinyl in the 80's. I'd never trust my wife, even sober, with an expensive vinyl setup.
I have a built in mechanism that keeps me from getting into trouble with this. I don't enjoy music as much after more than 2 or 3 drinks. My ears go south real fast after that point. I don't spin vinyl and I don't work in my woodshop after any drinks.

I've done enough damage completely sober; snapped cantilevers, broken tonearm wires, even blown amp fuses. Pretty boring, I know, but that's my experiences.
The only destruction I've wrought after one too many is to drop a mint original Savoy copy of Nat Adderley's "That's Nat". Interesting that the record label says "non-breakable" but the thing shattered into a million bits.
You always read about all the pleasure and fun people have with their systems but nothing is never ever "moonlight & roses"!

I have smashed a input tube on my one QUAD II power amp with the signal cable's heavy RCA plug! This completely sober - just plain clumsyness...


NB - Also dropped a few LP's - clumsy... so I don't want to know how it will go drunken...