Tracking issue with dynavector 20XL

I recently purchased a Dynavector 20XL for my VPI Scout. I have been setting it up for the last couple of hours and I THINK I have it right but when I put it through the Bias Setting 300hz (track 8) on the Hi-Fi News test LP it squeals like a pig!!!The only way I can stop this is by increasing the sylus force to 2.5+ grams which I know exceeds the manufacturers recommended weight of 1.8- 2.2grams. I love the sound I am getting from the cartridge and everything I read here and on Vinyl asylum about this cart being a great match for the Scout appears to be true. I am noticing subtle differences on my copy of THE WELL that are very positive. How much weight(pardon the pun) should I put on cartridge not passing the track 8 test? I previously used a Grado Gold, Goldring Eroica ,and Denon DL103. All three passed the 8 track test with no problem.
Thanks for the response Raul. No, I haven't had any problems in listening. If anything I am enjoying the sound on my second listening system.
VPI suggests tracking that cartridge above the manufacturers figure. I can't find my notes but I believe I'm tracking my 20XM at around 2.375 (on a Scout). Call Mike at VPI and he will give you guidance. BTW, once you get it set up at the higher tracking force run the bias test again--you will probably get the same result. I tried everything including the anti-skate kit from VPI to resolve this to no avail. I'm not sure how much it matters, the table sounds great to me!
Thanks Dodgealum, I guess it must be something in the design of the cartridge. I've read here on the 'gon that some members have added 3 gram spacers to their arms with some Dynavector cartridges. I wonder if adding mass would help?

You are misunderstanding the use of those tracks on the HFN&RR record. They are not "tests" that must be "passed". (This misunderstanding isn't your fault. The instructions that come with the record are nearly as faulty as those tracks themselves.)

With many cartridges, including your new Dyna, the only way to play track 8 (or 9!) cleanly is to increase VTF and/or anti-skate to very excessive levels. This does not indicate a flaw in your cartridge or setup. It indicates the tracks are doing what they were DESIGNED to do: MAKE your cartridge mistrack. The point of those tracks is to let you hear INCIPIENT mistracking so you can adjust anti-skating to equalize it across both channels.

While I strongly dislike those tracks due to several flaws in their methodology and implementation, if you INSIST on using them here's the proper way:

1) with antiskate at zero and VTF set at normal levels (for the cartridge) find the ONE track that causes SLIGHT mistracking (buzzing) in the R channel.

2) increase anti-skating until the buzzing is equal in both channels.

That's it. You're done. The HFN&RR record can do no more for your setup. Don't bother trying to play the more difficult tracks. They are of no use for this particular cartridge. The only track that matters is the ONE that initiates mis-tracking. Trying to "pass" more difficult tracks will lead to inaccurate setup.

Much better than any test record is learning how to adjust VTF and anti-skating by listening to music. The amount of each force required for optimum cartridge performance will be different (less) on real records than on test records with their artificially high amplitudes. I've set up a couple dozen cartridges in the last year. In no case did I use a test record, or wish that I had.


This is very interesting since I spent considerable time trying (in vain) to "pass" each successively tougher test, primarily by playing with the anti-skate adjustment. This I did first by twisting and untwisting the tonearm lead (as per the original Scout manual) and then later by adjusting the weight on the anti-skate kit provided as an upgrade by VPI. (At one point I was playing with both the lead wire AND the weight, trying to get just the right combination of forces to counteract the mistracking I heard on tracks 7-9. I don't feel too stupid since I agree with you--the directions seem to lead one to try and eliminate the buzz through proper adjustment of the anti-skate bias. I'll now have to go back and try again with your approach. Let me make sure I have this correct--the idea in using the test record is to try to get the buzzing the same in both channels--correct? I think that is about what I have right now, which would explain why I am getting good sound despite all the buzzin goin on.

Let me ask you a question--given the misdirections how did you figure out the answer?
