RE: set up tips for Cello Reference mc cartridge

Hello, rather and start to play around I thought I would ask here first if anyone has any experience with setting up a Cello reference cartridge? I thought maybe there are a few tips you could pass my way that might save me some grief? Its NOS and as you may know designed by the founder of Mayiba! It is very similiar in appearance to the old mono Mc cartridges that dont have a cantilever!Please any help would be totally charished and appreciated beyond words! That may sound corny? but if you have this cartridge or have seen one you can understand my wanting to be causious before attempting to mount it! Thanks Daren
WELL one thing I Know for sure is this cartridge was designed and hand built by the founder of Miyaba I could have his name wrong without my notes in front of me but he name was Tenaca san or something like that? This cartridge is cantileverless and maybe designed after a decca? I read that the designer was a real lover of some of the early mono cartridges! The lack of cantilever is the problem as it is very hard to see where the actual needle or diamond touchs the surface as it is very small and closer to the middle then the front of the cartridge body! having never mounted a decca type cartridge I am unfamiliar with how to approach set up! The body also slides off so you can run it nude. I will have to double check the speelling of the Japanese man who is the founder of Miyabi but its the same guy as he also designed the Mark Levinson cartridge as well as the Cello line. Thanks again for your help! There doesn't seem to be a wealth of info out there! I emailed Mark Levinson but have yet to get a reply. Cheers Daren
Daren, you might find this Miyabi article interesting:

And these Ikeda pages:
Thankyou so much for taking the time to send me the pics and other site links. The pictures of the Ikeda cartridges look very similiar if not identical to my Cello reference! It appears to be the same concept anyway and the body on mine comes off so it can be run nude which improves the sound dramatically I was told. So now that you can see what I am dealing with do you think I will be best to get set up instructions for an Ikeda cartridge? and then proceed? Cheers Daren
Daren, that's a hard question for me to answer because, as far as the electrical specifications are concerned (and assuming the ones I found are correct ;--) the Cello is more like a Miyabi.

But you say it doesn't have a cantilever, and it weighs 13gm about the same as an Ikeda. I'd go with Ikeda. Why don't you e-mail Ikeda-san? Maybe attach a pic of your cartridge for him to identify? Write to these people, they are apparently the only contact for Ikeda-san:
Hi , well I'am wondering if the Specs you found are maybe for the other Cello which had a cantilever. As when compared to the pics showed ont ehe sites you gave me they appear to be made with the same type of cantileverless design as they show the 2 copper coloured pieces that surround where the diamond tip is mounted. But I will email like you suggested as I'am sure they all are friends and maybe he can set me straight but who knows? Yhanks Daren