better tonearm for SME 20/2


I'm purchasing an SME 20/2 turntable, and am trying to decide between a used SME V or a Graham 2.2 tonearm. I'd probably have the tonearm setup done by a shop experienced w/ the table/tonearm(s). I'd appreciate any feedback from owners of SME tables on their experiences w/ either or both of these arms.

I'm also trying to decide between a benz or lyra cartridge in the $1200-2K range. My other gear includes Ayre electronics plus Vandersteen 5 speakers, but my primary question regards the tonearms.

My 2 cents worth - I have a 20/2 with a Phantom B-44 and a Lyra Titan . I used a Helikon on a Sota/ ET 2.5 for years and was very happy with that. But, I listened to a Titan on a SME V on a 20/2 and was amazed at sound I heard. The Titan is a more refined sound in all aspects, IMHO. It was not easy to find the extra bucks for the Titan but for me it was well worh it so I made it a priority in my budget. I don't llisten to digital very much anymore.
Like Bugman03, I too think the Titan is the Lyra to get (maybe the new Skala too, haven't heard it yet). It seems to do the palpability thing the Celebration does, but add the Lyra hall info, and do it all better. I really like the Titan.

The Celebration to my ears, is better than the Helikon. Better bass, bigger stage, better layering..... the only thing about the Helikon that is better than the Celebration, and not by much is the "Hall Info" and rear of stage(as B. Crump would say) is a wee bit more decernable with the Helikon. If you check out Fremer's review of the Helikon, vs the Celebration, he pretty much lays it out, The Celebration is "class A" in his eyes with the SME table and arm (or as I hear it with my Basis Vector). but you have to listen for yourself to see if you hear it the same way as I (I have had them head to head here, as a good friend has a Helikon SL and mono). With either cart your in good shape, but I feel there would be better performance, and better synergy with the Celebration + SME combo (over the Helikon, not over the Titan).
Dear Abullience: The Celebration retail price is only 1.5K ( and second hand no more than 1K ) and the Titan 5K. I always say it: the SME/Celebration outperforms almost any cartridge 2-3 times its price and put the very top ones in shame in some audio areas.

Now, if the price is no object then you can go to the Allaerts or Audio Note Kondo cartridges.

regards and enjoy the music.
Thanks for everyone's responses- I'm now seriously considering the Celebration as well as the Skala. Any experiences w/ the Benz Ruby 3 as well?