Oracle Delphi MK IV - Delrin Pillars Anyone?

Has anyone upgraded their pillars to the MKV delrin versions offered by Oracle? I'm considering it but wondering if it's worth it.

I've never used my table and am in the process of installing the maintenance kit and an SME V.

Any advice would be appreciated,

Remember - Aluminium have a 'ring' factor - like a bell. Delrin is 'dead-sounding' and more-or-less cannot accumilate standing waves.

Delrin will be better...

Wow...I can't believe that it's taken me a year t get around to this project!!!

Finally the Dephi is up and running with Delrin towers, SME V and Grado Reference and does it sound sweet! How's it compare to the out going Well Tempered Classic? Dead 'black' quiet. Detail in all frequencies...I can now hear the bass strings, I can hear details in the sax reed. And bass....tons of controlled bass.

Not sure what I'll do with the WTT, but I still like the simplicity and uniqueness of it's design, but the Oracle is in a different league. thanks to all who replied.

And to those of you who own Oracles or are thinking about one....I can't think of a better, more helpful company. They expressed me parts such as a main bearing thrust pad and suspension springs at no cost!! They tele-walked me through some of the machining that I did to adapt the Delrin towers....can't say enough good stuff about them!!!

Where is it possible to buy the Delrin Pillars - any ideas?

I have the Delphi MK IV with a serial number that should allow this upgrade... according to information Stereophile review of the MK V.