Cartridge alignment - Goldmund T5 tangential arm ?

Hello - I have a Goldmund Studioetta Turntable, with a stock Goldmund T5 tangential arm - does anybody know if there is an alignment tool, or any other tool, that may assist me in installing a new cartridge - it would seem to be a simple enough installation, but I'd rather err on the side of caution. thanks.
Man, it would be a shame to tear that system down. There is great value in music and the enjoyment it brings to one's life.

None of us know how long we have. ItÂ’s possible that the joy this hobby brings could extend your life, just like pets, family and love can do.

If you have nothing left to live for, your life is over.

We should hang on to the threads of passion from our youth, if only to remember why life is so important.
I know of an issue with the T5 raising early on an LP. After 3-5 minutes in it simply lifts of the records surface. As if the lift motor is being triggered early. I thought the micro switched were activated when the tonearm made a higher rate than normal sweep when the LP side had finished, and the grooves widened for the end of the LP. Any advice anyone???
aj - you could check the vinyl asylum link I posted above -- it seems like a pretty good instruction manual although I haven't read the whole thing ;--)