Raven One

I was curious what the feedback has been on the baby Raven turntable. I can't afford the Raven AC. Does anyone know the cost? If the laws of diminishing returns apply, this should have great performance.

thanks for looking.

How does the Raven 1 compare with the Mambo? These seem to be similar in theory both plinthless suspensionless belt drives. More mass loading on the Raven with what I would suspect to be a higher torque motor.

Just out of curiosity, which bearing has a longer bearing sleeve? I know it's not really an indication of anything but general construction.


I don't know how the Raven 1 compares to the Mambo. But theoretically, I think the motor of the Raven One is much better than Mambo and this could likely make it sound better. People in the know beleive the direct drive TT's (Garrard, EMT, etc) are the cream of the crop. The Raven motor behaves close to a direct drive in torque and speed control.

My points about the AC vs the One where more relaible since they were in the same system, aside from different cartridges and arms. However, the AC had a better arm and cartrdge on it. I think they are close enough given the 5K price difference. If funds are an issue then go with the Raven One. The AC is better but as you know, the law of diminishing returns applies like it does to most gear.

I'm not sure about sleave lengths.
I just decided on the Raven AC. See the thread Brinkman Balance Comparisons.
congratulations RWD. sometimes the journey is more rewarding than the destination. enjoy.
I am dying to order one of these. I just have to wait to clear up some tax issues- but as soon as I do I am getting one. I actually have only heard the Raven AC at Highwater Sound, and will probably go back to hear the Raven One, but thanks to Aoliveros comment, I am confident that the TW Acoustic is on the right path in terms of materials, bearings, etc. It's also a size and weight I can manage. I did like the sound of the AC - but honestly I think tables are almost impossible to get a handle on in a foreign system - different arm, cart, phono pre. That is one area I will give digital playback - as I think it's more consistent across varying systems. I suppose one could compare a reference CD on the foreign system for a while to attune ones ear to what the system is doing, the listen to a reference LP and try to extrapolate.

I have a Schroeder 2 sitting here purchased from A'gon, that I am dying to listen to, and can't mount on my current table.

I even emailed Frank Schroeder to see if he thought it was a good combo, and seems it is.