Raven One

I was curious what the feedback has been on the baby Raven turntable. I can't afford the Raven AC. Does anyone know the cost? If the laws of diminishing returns apply, this should have great performance.

thanks for looking.
I am dying to order one of these. I just have to wait to clear up some tax issues- but as soon as I do I am getting one. I actually have only heard the Raven AC at Highwater Sound, and will probably go back to hear the Raven One, but thanks to Aoliveros comment, I am confident that the TW Acoustic is on the right path in terms of materials, bearings, etc. It's also a size and weight I can manage. I did like the sound of the AC - but honestly I think tables are almost impossible to get a handle on in a foreign system - different arm, cart, phono pre. That is one area I will give digital playback - as I think it's more consistent across varying systems. I suppose one could compare a reference CD on the foreign system for a while to attune ones ear to what the system is doing, the listen to a reference LP and try to extrapolate.

I have a Schroeder 2 sitting here purchased from A'gon, that I am dying to listen to, and can't mount on my current table.

I even emailed Frank Schroeder to see if he thought it was a good combo, and seems it is.
I have heard the Raven AC with a Schroeder reference and it sounds heavenly.
I have another friend that has just replaced his Platine Verdier with a Raven AC (also a Schroeder Reference) and he is over the moon with the improvement the Raven AC made (he had the Reference with the Platine).
Good choice Emailists...go for it. Ducatrider, I have a Raven on order (will be installed on the 17th of this month) and I must say that I am quite anxious for it to arrive.
I have heard form others that the Raven One is quite close to the Raven AC in performance at half price.

P.S. Jeff is great to work with.

P.P.S. Larry, yea I have th Tri-Planer installed but will also order a Schroder Ref .
Then this ebony bird beguiling my sad fancy into smiling,
By the grave and stern decorum of the countenance it wore,
`Though thy crest be shorn and shaven, thou,' I said, `art sure no craven.
Ghastly grim and ancient raven wandering from the nightly shore -
Tell me what thy lordly name is on the Night's Plutonian shore!'
Quoth the raven, `Nevermore.'
How on earth do you site a 190 lb turntable? And does anyone know how much the Raven One weighs and its dimensions?