Raven One

I was curious what the feedback has been on the baby Raven turntable. I can't afford the Raven AC. Does anyone know the cost? If the laws of diminishing returns apply, this should have great performance.

thanks for looking.
the motor of the Raven-one is the same as the Raven AC motor. The side motor and the second arm board is a upgrade. You can order it in one time, or later at any time you want. The size of the Raven-one is 18" wide and 15" deep. The total weight is 21kg. I hope I can help a little bit.

Best Wishes
Hi T.W. I assume. you are the T.W. who designed my new (this Saturday to be installed by Jeff) A.C. Raven. I'm quite excited!!

Rick (RWD)

You will be making a great choice going with the Raven One. I think this offers great value! Let me know how you like it,

If I hadn't decided on the Raven one, I think I would have gone for that Well Tempered signature special edition listed here yesterday. For $3k with an arm, it seemed like a great deal (I have the WTT classic I will be replacing with the Raven.) But since I have a Schroder 2 sitting here in a box, I have started down this path. This may seem childish, but I had some back tax situation I had been avoiding due to all the paperwork. I made my self a promise I wouldn't order the table till I got all that dealt with. It actually made tax time "fun" if you can call it that. As long as I don't get competely wiped out, I should be ordering very soon.
Which is better choice of tonearms for the Raven one.
The Schroeder model 2 or the Triplanar Vll? Have Allaerts
MC1B or Universe with copper coils and SB available as cartridges.
Do the Millemium mat and clamp come standard? Is an upgrade to better isolation feet like Stillpoints or Boston-Audio tungsten carbide balls carbon feet worthwhile or are the regular points good enough?