tonearm match ZYX Universe Moerch and Triplanar

I decided to take a much bigger analog plunge

I'm working with Mehran on a tonearm for a Zyx Universe
between the Moerch DP6 and Triplanar VII. Mehran is really great - a true audiophile gentleman.

the precise dial in setup of the triplanar interested me (particularly because I am a relative neophyte at this) but it's a bit more expense.

I currently have a Nottingham Spacedeck which I'll eventually upgrade from but the Moerch drops directly into the Spacedeck mount and others here tell me the Notts match well with the Moerch.

Can anyone commment on the synergy of these two with the Universe? later flexibility with other tables? any other helpful jewels of knowledge would be greatly appreciated (I don't want to limit myself like with the Spacedeck).

My listening preferences lean more toward correct tonal balance and engaging dynamics over ultra hi resolution. I listen to a lot of jazz, acoustic and rock music.


128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xaudiotomb
the arm issue - has a ringy strident tone with a sumiko blue point special (my zyx doesn't arrive for at least another week)

Glad to help.

Let us know how the VTAF works out. The lack of a VTA adjuster is the main Moerch downside.
What is that? A ringy Tone in M_A_N_Y Arms?
The ZYX can have a ringy tone in many arms. It is not that the arm is bad. It is that the match is bad.
I what Arms? Please write? I would like to know that. I used Zyx in Graham 2.2/Phantom/Triplanar/DaVinci/AirLine/Well Tempered Ref. and I didn't find such a Result. I am glad, I have it, it is the most universal cartridge for nearly all Arms I ever owned (or own). I have never found an Arm where I heard your "Result". Even in a very heavy Ikeda Arm it works great.
I think I have to agree with Thomas.Any "ringy" response is usually a mismatch,in the "tracking chain".Unless one has a tube pre/phonostage,with a bad tube.
In the set-up I heard,which had the ZYX Universe,there was a slight sibilence,and subtle loos of bass response,but this could have easily been the improper anti-skate setting.
All in all,though,the Universe still gave an exemplary performance,and clearly stood out as a "Very Special" product.
Hi All,

I'd take my existing budget, pick up the Triplanar from Mehran and spend whatever is left on the cartridge. If this means backing off on the Universe for 6 months or a year, it is still the right decision.

A cartridge is a consumable item, whereas if you purchase a Triplanar, Schröder, SME, Breuer, etc. you could easily be happy for the rest of your life. With these arms, there are subtle differences, and I'm sure you'd prefer one over the other if you heard them all.

I can't predict which of these arms you'd fall in love with, as your tastes as well as turntable would have a large effect on your opinion. The Moerch is a very fine tonearm but it is not quite in the league of the aforementioned arms, and I can't imagine your picking ahead of any of them. This is not merely about the Triplanar's adjustability - it's about the Triplanar's superior sonics.

I have no vested interest in this, other than to have one of Mehran's customers make the right decision.

I've posted fairly recently in this forum on the turntable setup hierarchy ('table, then arm, then cartridge). You can click this link for one of my rants on this forum if you're interested.

The second half of the post addresses the hierarchy. The first half is a bit ... off the wall. Guilty as charged.

Thom @ Galibier