Can you imagine a world without vinyl?

Can you imagine a world without vinyl?
I have been into vinyl for 49 years - since the age of 8 & cannot imagine a world without vinyl.
I started out buying 45's & graduated to 33's (what is now considered LP's).
I have seen 8 tracks come & go, still have a kazillion cassettes, reel to reel & digital cassettes - have both the best redbook player & SACD players available, but must listen to my "LP's" at least 2 hours a day.
I play CD's about 6 hours a day as background music while I'm working, but must get off my butt every now & then & "just listen to real music".
I admit to being a vinyl junkie - wih 7 turntables, 11 cartridges & 8 arms along with 35K albums & 15K 45's.
For all you guys who ask - Is vinyl worth it - the answer is yes!
Just play any CD, cassette, or digital tape with the same version on vinyl & see/hear for yourself.
May take more time & energy (care) to play, but worth it's weight in gold.
Like Mikey says "Try it, you'll like it!"
I love it!

Gregm...I agree that a live feed sometimes has a certain quality which I have not heard from any recorded media. However, FM radio has some limitations. As you may know, FM radio consists of two signals, a mono one up to 19KHz and a multiplexed one, (Left minus Right) above 20 KHz. The two signals (mono and demultiplexed L-R) are mixed to get Left and Right.

Have you ever listened to the L-R signal by itself? Even with a strong RF signal the L-R signal is pretty bad, and this gets mixed with the mono signal to get stereo. It's a wonder that it sounds as good as it does. Of course as the RF signal gets weaker the L-R signal goes from bad to awful, and we switch our receivers to mono.

I know that you said "improved" FM. Fat chance. What you will get is digital, and here we go again with the debate!
What you will get is digital, and here we go again with the debate!

Perhaps they'll come up with a way like Arny had done to him in Total implant you with sonic mamories?

Imagine choose who you could be, say John Atkinson and take a weeks audiophile holiday!
Shadorne: Think girlfriends/wives of audiophiles get implanted with sonic mammaries?
Reminds me of that old song, "Mammaries are made of this." Dean Martin's version was my favorite but always wondered how great it would be, performed by Dolly Parton.

Come to think of it, she may have included it in "Dolly Parton's biggesthits"