Current recordings on vinyl?

Are current musical artists being recorded in analog at all? I mean, if they are directly recorded to digital, be it pcm or dsd, what is the use of remastering them for vinyl? I have a reasonable collection of old vinyl or reissued...BUT...the primary recording, i.e., master tapes, were analog. Many of these sound great, especially on vinyl.

Take for example, Patricia Barber, Diana Krall, the Mahler symphonies by various orchestras. If they were recorded digitally, they already have the limitations of digital. Vinylizing them doesn't remove that.... does it? It would make more sense to buy on SACD if available, especially if primarily recorded to DSD.
most new titles and reissues are taken from the same masters used for cd. it isn't financially possible given the quanties to do it any other way.
Hdm, I'm honestly not sure about Dylan, but I know Neil Young in his recent work has done both analog and digital masters Ithe analogs being used for the vinyl releases (he's quite anti-digital, and, owns his own recording facilities.)

But as Jaybo implies, only the biggest artists can afford to do that (both.)
Guy's, it's really not anything out of the ordinary to record 24 track analog. Mix down to analog two track and than make both a digital and analog stereo master.

I have the new Norah Jones on order, and I'll let you know what it says about the recording.

As a bigger issue...if only the major established artists can insist on analog masters, there can be no future for vinyl. True, boutique labels can, and probably will press fresh vinyl from the old master tapes of great Jazz, classical, and rock titles, as long as there are older guys like me (52 yrs and counting) who will assemble a fine analog rig and spend hours listening, and pay fairly high prices for the vinyl.

But when we are gone, or our hearing goes.....

Its a digital future.

I hope there is enough interest in a really great digital format to have audiophiles in the future. As many of you guys know, when I put on some of my vinyl, the hairs on my neck stand up, because the sound is so vivid, so natural, and I can immerse myself in the performance. It has been so much fun slowly moving up the ladder of analog performance, where I now have finally gotten to that place. Not that there is no room for furthrer improvement (I don't have the Caliburn....yet! Ha Ha).

SACD is pretty darn good...not quite as good as my best vinyl, but still it can do the trick. I need to get a truly high end digital source.
I always thought this was kinda weird but, Mapleshade recordings brag about live two channel analog recording and their similar philosophy but, then digitize their sound: No LP releases???